Tree Damage From Crop Spraying

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She is well aware of my role here at AS, and I have repeatedly insisted that any remarks about moderation be left out of consideration if any of my remarks are found to be objectionable. Moderators have as many rights to express their opinions as any other member, they have no special rights to break the rules, and are still subject to any reports to the admin.

I do think her threat is pretty toothless, though, but I thank you for the support.
My comments were not meant to be negative in any way toward you. It was meant to point out her inability to get a grasp of reality. Some 20 years ago when I joined this site it was all about saws and the tree business.. It was great and a lot of REAL LIFE experience got shared. Yes there were pissing matches but that us just the nature of the business, This poster has consistently shown complete disrespect for anyone that opposes or contradicts any thing she reads online or some other blowhard tells her. At this point she has me on ignore again so does not see what I post. That simply shows she does not want to hear anything that she does not agree with.

The simple fact is she is making a mountain out of a mole hill and that is not up for debate
Wow this site has sure changed........... where are you django, RBtree, Dennis Cahoon, John Lambert, Danny Henry, Sedanman, and many more. The folks that built this site on REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE. There are many more members that I will not mention that are EXCELLENT folks that now only stop in a little bit at a time. They are fed up with the BS that goes on and complete disrespect that is shown.

This is NOT a complaint about moderation it is simply stating the facts. The anti farmer, anti logging, anti mining, anti everything BS is out of control. FOR GODS SAKES some need to learn a bit of junior high science and stay the hell off the web.

Once the suns pops over the east I am off to go kill a sheet ton of more weeds, trees, flowers and such in a few hours. It will be done with a mix of. 2-4-D, and glyphosate. It will be done in a responsible manner and WILL NOT kill ANY unintended plant
Bull, I mean Bill, there must of been a misunderstanding between us. I don't need or want your approval. You worry about you, buddy. If you ever get to spraying (like you claimed you were going to do hours ago) try not to inhale so much of the chemicals, they really aren't good for you!
Wow this site has sure changed........... where are you django, RBtree, Dennis Cahoon, John Lambert, Danny Henry, Sedanman, and many more. The folks that built this site on REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE. There are many more members that I will not mention that are EXCELLENT folks that now only stop in a little bit at a time. They are fed up with the BS that goes on and complete disrespect that is shown.

This is NOT a complaint about moderation it is simply stating the facts. The anti farmer, anti logging, anti mining, anti everything is BS is out of control. FOR GODS SAKES some need to learn a bit of junior high science and stay the hell of the web.

Once the suns pops over the east I am off to go kill a sheet ton of more weeds, trees, flowers and such in a few hours. It will be done with a mix of. 2-4-D, and glyphosate. It will be done in a responsible manner and WILL NOT kill ANY unintended plant

Forums are not life sentences.

People come and go on forums, it's normal.

Plus half of those guys from 20 years ago are probably dead by now.
Bull, I mean Bill, there must of been a misunderstanding between us. I don't need or want your approval. You worry about you, buddy. If you ever get to spraying (like you claimed you were going to do hours ago) try not to inhale so much of the chemicals, they really aren't good for you!
I am not sure what you mean. Possibly you have ingested a few too many chemicals prior to posting. I have no idea what you are referencing with "approval" you are perfectly free to be a disrespectful person. That is do to what a few good ole boys signed 246 years ago today. Carry on being who you are
. If you ever get to spraying (like you claimed you were going to do hours ago)
You really have no concept of time and location do ya. Look at when I posted that , Shortly after daybreak we got rain. Only a irresponsible person would spray during or shortly thereafter a rain. When you try to be clever and call someone out it is best to actually know what you are talking about. Trust me all intended trees flowers and weeeds are no feeling the effects of some good ole chemicals and science. I am thinking the wind is still enough now I might just go kill some more
It does appear a bunch of my posts were removed today. Oh well life goes on and things DIE
Some people see a dirt encrusted rock, others see a diamond in the rough.
Dennis and John were certainly rough around the edges, but their knowledge was priceless, too bad the karens couldn't see the true worth.
Some people see a dirt encrusted rock, others see a diamond in the rough.
Dennis and John were certainly rough around the edges, but their knowledge was priceless, too bad the karens couldn't see the true worth.
John was the guy that directed me to this site 20 years ago. That was back in the day when he was selling new 090's under the name of sunlover. He had some classic posts. The pic of him running a saw buck arse naked was a classic. There are countless good quality men and women that left the site for various reasons. The complete and total disrespect that is shown by some here was a contributing factor to some leaving. Folks would ask their advice and when that person did not agree it got nasty. Much like this never ending thread. It is sad to see that real life experience leave as that is what the site was built on. It was not built on whinny arse folks that only want to hear advice the agree with. I am NOT COMPLAINING about moderation just the members that come on here to whine and beech. After my posts were removed today I am sure I am on my trip to "banned camp" It won't be my first sit down and will not be my last. I call a spade a spade and was "banned" before for calling out a guy for his disrespectful nature towards females. Given the opportunity I would again.
John was the guy that directed me to this site 20 years ago. That was back in the dat when he was selling new 090's under the name of sunlover. He had some classic posts. The pic of him running a saw buck arse naked was a classic. There are countless good quality men and women that left the site for various reasons. The complete and total disrespect that is shown by some here was a contributing factor to some. It is sad to see that real life experience leave as that is what the site was built on. It was not built on whinny arse folks that only want to hear advice the agree with. I am NOT COMPLAINING about moderation just the members that come on here to whine and beech. After my posts were removed today I am sure I am on my trip to "banned camp" It won't be my first sit down and will not be my last. I call a spade a spade and was "banned" before for calling out a guy for his disrespectful nature towards females. Given the opportunity I would again.
John was the first guy to respond to a question I had when I first joined the site that got started after they were all banned here. The first reply was a smart assed reply but he helped me out once he saw I wasn't going to curl up and cry if I wasn't treated like a new born. There are a lot of very nice gentlemen with a wealth of knowledge who left because they weren't allowed to be who they are. I personally take free speech very seriously, I may not agree with you but I will do my damned best to let you say what you wish to say.
John was the first guy to respond to a question I had when I first joined the site that got started after they were all banned here. The first reply was a smart assed reply but he helped me out once he saw I wasn't going to curl up and cry if I wasn't treated like a new born. There are a lot of very nice gentlemen with a wealth of knowledge who left because they weren't allowed to be who they are. I personally take free speech very seriously, I may not agree with you but I will do my damned best to let you say what you wish to say.
Never. ever misunderstand me. I am a firm constitutionalist and firm believer in the freedom of speech. That freedom however does not allow a person to be rude and not civil. I call out spades when I see them. I expect the same of others. You can call me an ass but just do it by backing it up with real life experience and examples not something you read in your tity whities in front of a screen. I am wrong, generally on a daily basis. (just ask my gorgeous ex-wife) Mental maturity has ZERO to do with age. When folks put other folks on "ignore" that simply indicates that person is a spoiled brat that needs a bit of "education". I have worked with many a person that I personally did not agree with but I NEVER ignored them. I took what they had to say and considered it
You were here when they were here and you damm sure know that is not true. You know why a lot of them left or only post sporadically.

No, I don't know where any of those guys are today.

As an arborist I go mostly for the arboricultural stuff so a lot of the chainsaw bickering I scrolled right past.

I do remember Art Martin really stood out among the loggers and sawmen.
Would I have known "Dennis and John"? That might be after my time. I have never learned other member's names.

They were before your join date.

John went by Gypologger and was/is a logger.

Dennis C. was big into racing chainsaws and was/is be an expert at sharping race chains.

I have no idea where either is today.
No, I don't know where any of those guys are today.

As an arborist I go mostly for the arboricultural stuff so a lot of the chainsaw bickering I scrolled right past.

I do remember Art Martin really stood out among the loggers and sawmen.
Art is a true legend, a true man. PERIOD. He I do believe has sadly returned to our heavenly father and I hope he is well there. There was a notorious thread on here years ago in which I believe he was bashed. I do not truly know as i did not then nor now see much use in bashing. I will call out BS though. I believe the thread had a title of something like "Art Martin will the real logger please stand up" I have no idea what folks issues were with him and I frankly do not care. He was a great man and a true legend in saw racing and chain. IF I remember correctly he retired from logging to become a firefighter. Now just let that spin in your head a bit .....retired from logging to become a firefighter.........anyone else see what I am thinking???????? That is one tough SOG

Many years ago I was swamped working on saw projects and the phone rang one night. I answered the ole landline with no caller ID and the voice on the other end said "Hey Bill, how ya doing this is Art Martin" Let me tell you that made my night. We talked a lot and I picked up some knowledge that I WILL NEVER FORGET about a few things and a few folks. That is what this site was built on and not political school yard bullpucky with ant- farming, anti-logging, anti-mining, anti law enforcement, and anti military junk. It is sickening
They were before your join date.

John went by Gypologger and was/is a logger.

Dennis C. was big into racing chainsaws and was/is be an expert at sharping race chains.

I have no idea where either is today.
You are spot on. I just called John "sunlover" because that was his seller name off on another site but yes here he was "gypologger' or something to that effect. I actual think RBtree might still be on the site but just in the arboriculture sections. I do not know as I do not go there since I have ZERO knowledge to share on climbing and such. Dennis Cahoon I am not sure on his exact name on here. He built/builds some sweet Honda 500 hot saws,

One I did not mention was Dennis Greffard (not sure on spelling) He was one of the first guys I saw ran off the site. I cannot speak to the issues as I have no dog in that fight but he left