Tree Damage From Crop Spraying

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If you ever get to spraying (like you claimed you were going to do hours ago) try not to inhale so much of the chemicals, they really aren't good for you!
I got plenty don after the rain and prior to the wind. today it is supposed to clock in near 100 degrees so a good day to spray some good ole Butyl Ester 2-4-D. What do you want a bet I do not have any vapor drift issues either. Framers are very well educated an smart folks that ARE NOT OUT to hurt the environment unlike what some posters on here like to claim and whine about.
You are spot on. I just called John "sunlover" because that was his seller name off on another site but yes here he was "gypologger' or something to that effect. I actual think RBtree might still be on the site but just in the arboriculture sections. I do not know as I do not go there since I have ZERO knowledge to share on climbing and such. Dennis Cahoon I am not sure on his exact name on here. He built/builds some sweet Honda 500 hot saws,

One I did not mention was Dennis Greffard (not sure on spelling) He was one of the first guys I saw ran off the site. I cannot speak to the issues as I have no dog in that fight but he left

I have a Greffardized Husky 3120. From what I understand his work wasn't up to par and I'm lucky to even have got my saw. He bought it new with money I'd sent to him and he modded it. I've still got the 3120 and it is a very low hour saw and has a 36" 404 bar and chain. RBTree I believe is retired from arboriculture and I see him post every year or on another arborist forum.
I have a Greffardized Husky 3120. From what I understand his work wasn't up to par and I'm lucky to even have got my saw.
Once again I believe you are spot on. That is basically my understanding of the issues but I did not want to say that as I never had any dealings with him. My entire point is that this site has lost a lot of good QUALITY men and women due to issues with civility. As I said call me an ass, that is fine I am an ass sometimes just back that up with evidence.. That is the way it used to be and it worked well. The infamous thread that lead to Dennis Greffard leaving was backed up with real life proof and evidence. Today threads go off the rails with insults that are completely unfounded. As I have said many times and I will continue to say. I FULLY respect those with real life experience and have no respect for those who choose to disrespect those folks. Ole Al Gore should have never created this stupid internet. All it has done is reduce civility in our society..................I do love it though so I see the hypocrisy in that respect.
Quite well, I thought. You should follow some of my suggestions in that thread.
Pdqdl, that was well put. A lot of replies to newbie questions seem to be an attempt to run them off. I cant understand that at all. I love to share any education I have obtained over the years with anyone that's willing to ask and listen no matter what the subject.

Good thread. And yes, it can get a little rough, but this is a rough business, and gravity doesn't care if you're feelings get hurt. And honestly, to second Bob, a lot of the responses newbies get are based on the attitudes they bring in. He's absolutely right, half these guys aren't looking for advice, they're looking for permission to be right.

As far as the guys that come on here saying "I've decided to become a tree guy, I just got a rope and saddle off ebay" my advice will always be the same: you can't learn this job off the internet. Go drag some brush and pay your dues. Not out of "trade protection", but because that's the only way you can learn this business, out in the field. There is no room for ego in this business, because gravity doesn't care how you feel about yourself. And honestly, I've spent the last twenty years learning my trade, and still have lot's to learn. And when a newbie come's storming on the scene and just wants a simple answer to a complex question, that dog just don't hunt, cause what you don't know will kill ya. Maybe not this time, but eventually the law of averages will catch up.

As far as the ho forum goes, same thing. A guy posts a pic and says" I've got this tree that broke over in the last storm, and is tangled up in two other trees. I have a wild thing and a 20' ladder, any advice?" My advice will always be to hire a pro. They're gonna do what they're gonna do. But one thing I will not do is offer advice that will get someone hurt. My greatest fear is to have someone's last thoughts be "well ####, Jeff said it would be ok." Pdql, you and I butted heads a little bit on the chainsaw forum a week or two ago on that thread about cutting off a ladder. Have I cut off a ladder before? Of course I have, but I was still tied in, and I did with full knowledge of the risks involved and the safe way to do it. I can't teach that over the internet, that is years of experience, and so the best, safest advice to a homeowner is don't do it ever.

Having said all that, yes, it can get a little harsh here, but it's a harsh business, and for heaven's sake, I've never seen a guy hurt over the internet, but I've seen too damn many hurt by trees. Jeff

I wish I could like this post like a thousand times.

This thread came up at a good time. I got was about to chew some butt on another thread. And Well balanced Jeff wasn't even in the line of fire. I think he is mellowing with age. :msp_scared:
Found a few more worthy of repeating, in case you didn't get the hint:
Good thread Pdqdl! I think some here can be pretty harsh at times as well. My first post came across as myself being a hack and felt pretty awkward but there were the members here who were helpful and straight forward as well. I chose to listen to the positive and consider the negative comments from people. One thing that can be done as individuals we can be polite to newbie's. Thanks Pdqdl for your sincerity!

I think my efforts are paying off rather nicely.

Go read the posts in the rest of this forum since I started this thread. I have not found any that I thought were intended to be insulting to the OP. All the "you need to hire a pro" comments were very straightforward and direct. I was impressed by everyone's restraint, but I thought it unwise to comment.

So far, I'm pretty happy about how this has turned out. I hope the dialogue continues.

You have been called a stalker two different times now for your attempts to dredge up trouble in these old threads. Shall I quote them here in your thread?

Other respected members have suggested that you are dredging up old threads to cause trouble. Why don't you give it a rest?
Who's the stalker? Who's dredging up old threads?

You are. You dug up and reposted a post of mine from 2008, and one from 2013. You were called a stalker by others in that thread, and I have gotten any number of new "likes" from what you reposted.

I however, was just responding to your posts this morning. Somehow your blind hatred for me has kept you from recognizing that there wasn't anything embarrassing in those reposts, and I am actually pleased that you dredged them up.
Btw, climbmit hasn't been here in two years, trampbrushler in four years, str8six in SIX years,
I'm not sure what your point is. What difference does it make what they are doing now. That was in 2013.

and you only posted the first two words of Jolly's comment
Ummm. No. It was a normal and complete quote. What fantasy world are you living in?

- here's the last sentence, "Having said all that, yes, it can get a little harsh here, but it's a harsh business, and for heaven's sake, I've never seen a guy hurt over the internet, but I've seen too damn many hurt by trees. Jeff"
The Jollylogger was referring to the harsh comments often found in Arb 101. Connecting that sentence with your stalking of me and attempting to embarrass me in some manner makes no sense.

And you neglected to list all those members who thought you were being silly, who I'm not going to call out here, but anyone interested can read the thread and find out for themselves..(better hurry, before he deletes the thread) "PDQ needs his own thread for Kid gloves" "crocheting" anyone?
I hope all the folks interested in Arb 101 do read that thread. Not sure why you are bringing it up, since that is a fine example of my good natured influence,

I'm sorry if I embarrassed you by bringing all that up. My intent was to prove that you telling me to "be nice" and not be rude is nothing new for you - you've been doing it ad nauseum to other members since 2013, probably before then.

Sorry. Had to be done. No hard feelings, eh, buddy?
What a hoot. You re-post an example of me being perfectly polite and you think I'll be embarrassed. :laughing: I'm actually quite proud of that thread. You should find more of that kind of high quality post and learn something from them.
Ah, you do all right. I don’t want to get a green card and go choose out curtains with ya, but you ain’t all bad, lol.
Great job of taking words out of context. :laugh: You would fit right in my the media here. I still have the news tape from May 1991 when my friend , neighbor and man that used to own my farm/live in my home was murdered here. They interviewed me and cut and edited the tape to indicate something that was not true. This was just hours after I just helped remove my friends body from a ravine under the chore tractor with a shotgun blast to the head. I was shaken to say the least and they cut and edited what I said, Needless to say I have never spoken to media since and never will.
Great job of taking words out of context. :laugh: You would fit right in my the media here. I still have the news tape from May 1991 when my friend , neighbor and man that used to own my farm/live in my home was murdered here. They interviewed me and cut and edited the tape to indicate something that was not true. This was just hours after I just helped remove my friends body from a ravine under the chore tractor with a shotgun blast to the head. I was shaken to say the least and they cut and edited what I said, Needless to say I have never spoken to media since and never will.
That’s sounds like a bad day.

I hope you took my comment in the lighthearted way it was intended.

And as an Aussie compliment.
In a word censorship.

How this thread magically shrunk by several pages. I guess everyone here is so conditioned to it they don't even notice, or care, any longer.

Anyhow, I just came across this. Thought it would be somewhat relevant, and concerning.

"‘Disturbing’: weedkiller ingredient tied to cancer found in 80% of US urine samples | US news | The Guardian"
How this thread magically shrunk by several pages. I guess everyone here is so conditioned to it they don't even notice, or care, any longer.

Anyhow, I just came across this. Thought it would be somewhat relevant, and concerning.

"‘Disturbing’: weedkiller ingredient tied to cancer found in 80% of US urine samples | US news | The Guardian"
The OP deleted a lot of posts, and some likely got deleted by moderators/admins. It got pretty heated in here for a while.
I think you are missing the fact that I quoted a moderator. I'll let you connect the dots.
I have been working and or making last minute preparations for my daughter's school trip to Australia, I have not moderated anything here. in the last several days.
I have been working and or making last minute preparations for my daughter's school trip to Australia, I have not moderated anything here. in the last several days.
Your not sending her to keep me in check I hope? Just kidding.

I hope she has a great trip here, we have some beautiful sights and locations. Is she doing mainly east coast, Sydney, Queensland, Melbourne, maybe Alice Springs. Nobody goes to Perth (where I was born), it’s just REALLY far away.
Your not sending her to keep me in check I hope? Just kidding.

I hope she has a great trip here, we have some beautiful sights and locations. Is she doing mainly east coast, Sydney, Queensland, Melbourne, maybe Alice Springs. Nobody goes to Perth (where I was born), it’s just REALLY far away.
She is scouting for a location to build AR 15's.
And a place for landing craft to unload boat loads of "migrants"!
She is scouting for a location to build AR 15's.
And a place for landing craft to unload boat loads of "migrants"!
Ok, well, building AR’s I can’t help too much, but since you just need basic metal working tools and the like, I’d recommend you look around South Nowr.....wait a minute...this is a trick!

You sneaky
I have been working and or making last minute preparations for my daughter's school trip to Australia, I have not moderated anything here. in the last several days.
That was certainly not the point I was trying make. Sorry if it came out that way.
Best wishes and Safe travels for your daughter.