Tree Damage From Crop Spraying

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Well to try to get this thread back in the area of information and helping I did some calling when I got home tonight. Way back oodles of pages ago it was mentioned that the price of glyphosate was going to start to fall. We are nearing the end of the contact spray season and I have been watching the price. It has not fallen at all. When I got home tonight, I called a friend and cousin that has spent his entire life in the herbicide business Well over 40 years in the business co-owning the most successful one on this side of the river I consider him to be very knowledgeable. When asked about glyphosate prices coming down he said he has seen ZERO, ZERO indications of that in the near future. He was just here today and sprayed about 65 acres of mine for hopefully the last time. I hope he is wrong about falling prices but going into his 5th decade in business I do not think so.
Well to try to get this thread back in the area of information and helping I did some calling when I got home tonight. Way back oodles of pages ago it was mentioned that the price of glyphosate was going to start to fall. We are nearing the end of the contact spray season and I have been watching the price. It has not fallen at all. When I got home tonight, I called a friend and cousin that has spent his entire life in the herbicide business Well over 40 years in the business co-owning the most successful one on this side of the river I consider him to be very knowledgeable. When asked about glyphosate prices coming down he said he has seen ZERO, ZERO indications of that in the near future. He was just here today and sprayed about 65 acres of mine for hopefully the last time. I hope he is wrong about falling prices but going into his 5th decade in business I do not think so.
I dont know of anything that the price is coming down on everything is up.
She's come undone.

Yes, I did.
Between suffering with long covid, dealing with forced early retirement and all the life-changing decisions and paperwork associated with that, and then having my property contaminated with pesticide, literally out of the blue, all in a four month period, was quite a bit for me to handle by myself. A weaker woman might not have survived.
While I was frazzled, confused, and distraught at the time and did quite a bit of ranting, I don't feel that I owe anyone an apology. I stated facts and was justified in my position on the subject. The lack of understanding and support was hurtful and I reacted accordingly.

With that said, I'd like to post an update.
The long covid is all but gone except for occasional fatigue. Retirement went as planned and after two years, I'm not only getting used to it, but loving every minute. Unfortunately, the pesticide issue continues although I have come to terms with the fact that there is nothing that can be done about it, or to prevent it from happening again.
I have resigned from that crusade; not because it isn't a worthy cause, but because there is no hope of winning.
If someone had mentioned that Tennessee is a "Right to Farm" state and told me what that meant in 2022, it would have saved me quite a bit of grief. I would have thrown in the towel a lot sooner.

There was a bright spot during the summer of 2022 though; a pumpkin vine appeared out of nowhere in the yard and grew like crazy into the fall and made the most perfect pumpkin you ever saw. I harvested it when we had the first freeze, cut it up, cooked it in the oven, packed and froze it, and eventually ate every bit of it in pies and bread.

A recap of spring 2023, the year after initial contamination...
I was hopeful early on when things started to green up and leaf out but by April I was seeing an exact repeat of the year before, nearly to the day, of tree and plant damage. I called the Dept of Ag inspector out and he tested again. Results showed 24-D ester again which he believed was residual from the previous year spraying, as I was told by the experts the previous year that would happen.
I didn't take many photos, or document as much as I did the previous year since the damage was identical and by this time I realized no one cared and nothing could be done about it.
The redbuds, buckeye, and Paulownia trees, again, were hardest hit. I was raking leaves all summer from these trees into a mountain of a pile that took four days to burn last week.

On the bright side, I planted squash, zucchini, maters, and sweet potatoes in the garden and they did fairly well, sweet potatoes especially. I also planted Ocoee vines around the fish pond and they did great and the Gulf fritillaries loved them and filled the yard.
So, here we are going into year three.
Things are turning green and starting to leaf out. I see fat buds on the buckeye, but no blooms on the redbuds yet.
There was an awful lot of limb dieback the last two years so lots of yard cleanup ahead of me.
The yard is full of robins this morning and I am looking forward to a beautiful spring. I am hoping for the best, but I am now better prepared for the worst.

It's good to be back.
Spring in February?
I gotta change Latitudes.
Definitely! Daffodils are up every year by the end of Jan/ beginning of Feb, crocus are'a blooming, robins are'a chirpin', and the froggies are'a courtin' ! :dancing:

The sun is warm, skies are blue, and the breeze is gentle.
But - this is only a teaser. February and March can be brutal with cold, snow and especially ice storms.
This was March 5, 2015
But, from here on out, we generally have more nice weather than bad.
My daffodils are coming up too.
Here in Virginia for a few weeks now, too.
Last year we had snow end of March......
No snow that stuck to the ground here last winter and none this winter so far, either.

Last winter was the first I can remember with no snow here.
In February of 1993 I took a picture of the rose bush outside my shop in full flower. A light snowfall came in, depositing fluffy white snow on the robust red flowers. It was a beautiful picture. Unfortunately, this was before high quality digital pictures, so I'd have to find that picture and then scan it.

There will always be seasonal fluctuations with early or late spring.