Just a quick update..
We've had marvelous long drawn out spring-like weather... reminds me of springtime in the Hudson Valley where I grew up. Cool temps and lots of rain.
No sign of my farmer in the fields yet, but I am still worried about a repeat event happening. Definitely PTSD.

The silver maples are leafing out and this is the first year since the contamination they have put out seeds - the yard is covered up with them!

And I'm flagging the volunteers as I find them.
The redbuds bloomed this year, feebly, but first time in two years.
The one I am most concerned about is my beautiful buckeye. Last year it did produce some seeds, most of them were rotten, but a few looked good so I planted them. Two of the five have sprouted and I found two more the squirrels planted.

The big tree opened it's leaf buds two days ago. I'm hoping the spray won't affect the blooms this year.
The pecans and walnuts are just showing signs of life.
The Paulownia and mimosa are not.
My Nandina patch is dead.
I transplanted a bunch of clove currant suckers in the fence row last week, they grow and spread quickly, hoping to block my view of the field. If I can't block the actual chemical, at least I won't have to see where it's coming from.
I transplanted some cedars and maple volunteers there last year, and they're doing well.
Oh, and I've transplanted quite a few rose of Sharon volunteers there, too.
The past two years there has been an awful lot of dead limb dieback, and dead limbs falling in the yard. I'm stacking all the dead limbs in the fence row. A Berlin Wall.
I lost half of my elderberry tree in the fence row, same with the sassafras trees.
I'm really enjoying this spring, so far, and seeing everything come to life.

Secretly, I'm praying they will go back to raising cattle instead.