Well, my dremel gave out in the middle of the job. So I decided to make a 3d printed version of this as a template if nothing else, but it works good enough so I probably won't worry about doing a metal one. Using the tool while filing is not a must for me.
Its for 3/8LP is anyone wants to print it.
I use the tool to check 2 chains. 1 china full send! (chisel) non-safety and 1 old oregon 91 safety chain.
The china chain has a distinctive mark on the rakers that I never noticed until now. Guess what....using the tool, the mark EXCACTLY lines up with the gauge if I were to file down to the mark. So i'm guessing they made the chain more manageable out the box (since its full chisel and non-safety). They put marks for you to file down for a hardwood depth after you went to file it, thinking the chain isn't sharp.
I checked out the old Oregon 91 safety chain, the rakers were set at exactly where the gauge would put them.