We started the tree today. One climber was hung over, had to come out of the tree, took a couple hours before he was worth much on the ground. So Dave did 95% of the canopy work. He guyed the two leaders we worked on to each other and then back to a third one. I set up the chain saw winch, which we used to lift five heavy low branches. It worked beautifully, and we also had a lowering line backup for most of them, set in the other stem. On a couple, we attached a butt line and tensioned it carefully with the chipper winch, which helped to swing them, and keep the butt away from Dave, then orient the branch correctly and closer to the chipper. Sweet!! We were able to dump both tops. But it went slowly, and produced a full truck load of chips. Monday the boom truck comes in for the back stuff. Should be about 10-14 picks, hopefully 3 hours.
That will leave us time to go do a 65+ foot bitter cherry, split for a couple years, and leaning over a house. Should be three picks. Then we crane four small fir sticks on one job and two on another. It will be a busy Monday!!!
So due to being short handed a bit, I got hardly any pics...
Got one good video and these two pics.