tree removals can be done by just about anyone with common sense, a pick up and a chainsaw. Rent the boom truck, stump grinder and chipper and you're in business.
Well, if you can find a place that will rent you one I guess... May work for home owners (if they can find a place). I know here if you are a business, there are a lot of legal requirements to even use a boom truck, never mind a crane.
And a stump grinder and chipper.. for smaller jobs ok. But you would be hard pressed to find larger chippers and larger stump grinders anywhere that you can rent.
Last time I checked a BC1800 was running around $65K to buy. Bucket truck is going to run you well over $100K. Bucket trucks (at least here) cost $4K a year to get all the legal crap out of way - inspections, etc.. before you even turn a wheel and make a single dollar. Chippers are high maintenance machines (knives constantly need sharpening/replacement) - stump grinders as well. The equipment one puts on the truck is in the tens of thousands of dollars - an example is we just picked up a hydraulic pole saw - for all hoses, swivels, etc.. was $2600+. Try pricing some of the blocks, or a GRCS as other fine examples of what might shock you pricewise.
We have one of the highest workers comp rates and insurance rates of likely any professional you are going to bring onto your property.. along with likely one of the highest equipment costs.
Now if a guy is running around in a pickup with a little green saw and charging $2K or 3K for a days work.. you may have a point. But if you are rolling up with equipment that is going to run into the six digits, you are going to charge for it being there.
Anybody who does not understand the costs, really has never seen that end of a tree business. Yes guys can run around with pickup and chainsaw, with no formal training and no insurance and charge a couple of hundred dollars, but we are not even remotely close to comparing apples with apples here.
Going back to first statement, if you can find somebody to rent the items to you, and around here you won't due to liability issues (with bucket truck for sure). Then you still have some issues.. what happens if there is an accident.. where have all your savings gone?