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We have good equipment and all PPE is provided by the company.

My new policy is going to be that the employee wear a shirt provided by the company and a clean, respectful pair of pants. If it does not meet the approval of management, they will be asked to change their pants.

It is very simple and I will provide them the shirts and give them an allowance for pants.

Be safe!!!
Redlineit.......Recently I commented that I have never worked for minimum wage but I thought it was fair that a man who worked the minimum ought to get what he is worth. I was responding to the person who said I would complain if minimum wage went up.

When you say that people who make minimum wage do not have computers that may be only a little bit correct. People on welfare have cable and big screen TV along with nice cars. Just drive by the projects sometime. You will see. Why would we suppose that they would have no computer to play their video games while we are out working?
buff said:
Redlineit.......Recently I commented that I have never worked for minimum wage but I thought it was fair that a man who worked the minimum ought to get what he is worth. I was responding to the person who said I would complain if minimum wage went up.

When you say that people who make minimum wage do not have computers that may be only a little bit correct. People on welfare have cable and big screen TV along with nice cars. Just drive by the projects sometime. You will see. Why would we suppose that they would have no computer to play their video games while we are out working?
Buff, we don't really have projects here, people in projects in the US who have nice cars and big screen tv probably are selling drugs, hey, we get Cops and U.S. news shows here, most on welfare are living in poverty, really now.
I will not debate about where people in the projects get their money. But I will say that you could not hire one of them to do a lick of work. Just try it.
clearance said:
Buff, we don't really have projects here, people in projects in the US who have nice cars and big screen tv probably are selling drugs, hey, we get Cops and U.S. news shows here, most on welfare are living in poverty, really now.

Don't believe everthing you see on TV. I've spent a few years WORKING with such folks. Face to face, in their homes, involved in their lives. Most seem to find money for cigarettes, booze, and cable TV.

And most CHOOSE to continue to live that way. That's not an inference - I've had them TELL me that. You can lead a horse to water...

Don't believe that? Think they are trapped by "the system"? Take a look at the Vietnamese refugees we took in during the mid 80s. Yes, the FIRST ones out of Saigon were the fat cats who were getting rich off the war. They came here dragging their gold with them. (Literally.) I'm talking about the true boat people. (Though not all escaped by boat. Some walked out over the mountains into Laos & Cambodia.) They came here penniless, with little or no English skills or job skills, for the most part.

You'll find VERY few still on welfare. They got off it as fast as they could. They worked hard, they learned English, they got educated*, they did whatever it took. Our country is better for having them here.

I know - my mom worked for the welfare department in Orange County, CA, where 90% of them wound up. She handled their cases.

*I had a lot of them in my electronics classes. They would come to me for pointers on American ettiquette. Like asking why it's not okay to say, "Hey, you!" to the professor. :D
Mark, you are talking about Vietnamese people, not those born in the USA who are are still on welfare, apples and oranges. In my experience Asians have a very strong work ethic, just the way it is. They did not get this trait from the US, think about it. Americans are individuals first and foremost, not so with most Asians, who are into sacrificing to providing for future generations. While many Americans are hardworking and innovative you have an entrenched underclass of dependent people, multi generational in some cases, who are ignorant (don't want to know) and a drain on resources. Coupled with thier ignorance and strong religious groups that impose beliefs (i.e. no sex education, restricted abortion services), they pump out kids like rabbits. Who then replicate this behaviour, a sad cycle. Along with the dumbing down of education over the last twenty or so years, the rise or the religous right, the loss of good paying blue collar jobs, it is not hard to forecast more of the same. Education and birth control are good things.
Mark, I also spent a number of years working face to face with people who live in projects and on welfare. My experience was the same as yours. I also spent many years helping to resettle vietnamese in this country. And again, my observation was the same as yours.
clearance said:
In my experience Asians have a very strong work ethic, just the way it is.

Exactly my point. The poverty in America is not because we are not doing enough for poor people. It's a matter of invidual values.

It's not hard to trace the correlation between increased government social programs and DECREASED value for hard work.
Clearence......I am not following your logic at all. Liberal abortion programs are not a solution to anything. As for sex education, what is it about sex that people today do not know? I am not understanding about your comment on the "education dumping ground" too.
BlueRidgeMark...I can only say Amen to your comment on values.
buff said:
Clearence......I am not following your logic at all. Liberal abortion programs are not a solution to anything. As for sex education, what is it about sex that people today do not know? I am not understanding about your comment on the "education dumping ground" too.
What is so hard to understand? Kids learn about sex from somewhere, do they not? Better if they are taught by educators/nurses rather than teenage boys huh? It is a fact that many conservative Christian groups use thier political power to stop birth control/abortion and sex education, the abstinence till marriage crowd. So, the places without sex education in schools see more teenage pregnancy than schools without it, and yes, nice Christians girls have sex as well as girls from the "wrong" side of the tracks. So, when a girl gets pregnant from a lack of education or birth control and is then denied an easy abortion she gives birth to child, that is born into poverty, grows up in poverty with the lack of sex education and available birth control/abortion services that her mother was also denied. The cycle continues. Can you understand that? In regards to education, the fact is that educational standards have been declining for a long time, the US scores low in the educational statistics for the developed nations, public knowledge.
So back on the subject of uniforms,

Our company, show up wearing the following, or don't show up at all,

Orange, clean, (not spotless, but not smelling like ass either) Traffic shirt, orange, w/ yellow stripes etc.. short sleeve for groundies, long sleeve fire retardant for trimmers. Company supplied

Chainsaw pants, clean, same as above, blue or green. Company supplied.

Work gloves, Chainsaw gloves, Rubber gloves, Company Supplied

Steel toe, Die-electric work boots, you supply.

Hard Hat, and Flash Resistant Glasses.

And bring a lunch, I'm not stopping or taking my groudies anywhere, unless they're buying :)
Changing the subject just a bit. Komitet, do you supply the gear for the climbers (ropes, saddle, hooks, blocks, etc?) The company I work for used to but discontinued it a while back. The boss realized it was cheaper for him to pay the guys for their own equipment (and he pays us well) than to keep buying equipment after it was abused or lost. People just don't seem to care about the equipment if it is not theirs. He had guys leaving saws at the job site and when they went back to pick them up, they were "missing." This way, since all the saws on the site belong to the guys on the site, they make sure none are left behind. I also like this for my gear. This way I know if the gear has seen any abuse or what it has gone through instead of just being handed some secondhand company gear. Plus I can use what I like instead of being stuck with the cheapest stuff the company could find. The company does pay for the gas and oil, and we use their trucks and chippers, but everything else on the crews is privately owned by the workers. Then at the end of every week we receive an extra check to pay for our gear depending on how much of it belongs to each individual. (For example, since I have four saws and my climbing gear at the job sites, I receive a larger equipment check than a groundman that has only one saw on the job site.) We have been using this system for several years now with very few complaints.
Let me ask once more. If a person does not own the necessary clothes, shoes, hand and head gear to feed his family. What else does he own in its place that is more important.
Clearence......We have pleanty of education about cigarette smoking but everyone defends their "right to smoke" and I do not see it making a dent in tobacco use. Why do you think that all sex education should take place at school and none at home? Anyway, killing babies is not my kind of poverty control. Maybe it is yours.
buff said:
Clearence......We have pleanty of education about cigarette smoking but everyone defends their "right to smoke" and I do not see it making a dent in tobacco use. Why do you think that all sex education should take place at school and none at home? Anyway, killing babies is not my kind of poverty control. Maybe it is yours.
Actually, Buff, tobacco use has been declining for years, perhaps it has something to do with education, or is it a coincidence? Never said that all sex education should take place at school and none at home, if kids get told "no sex till your married" at home then they don't have much of a sex education do they? Think back to when you where a teenager, was getting laid a priority to you?, sure was to me. Killing babies, hmmm, guess that depends on when you think life begins, I don't believe something is a human as soon as I come, sorry. If sex education and birth control are easily available to kids, I know there will be less pregnancy and disease. Abortion is the womans choice, ever hear of Roe vs. Wade?
According to the Department of Agriculture, Americans smoked 584 billion cigarettes last year, 1.7 percent fewer than in 1985. That is not a decline worth bragging about. About when life begins...If someone shots your near term pregnant wife and the bullet passes through the viable fetus, I guess you will only be counting that as one death. What about late term and partial birth abortions? Are they ok with you too?
beowulf343 said:
.... Then at the end of every week we receive an extra check to pay for our gear depending on how much of it belongs to each individual. (For example, since I have four saws and my climbing gear at the job sites, I receive a larger equipment check than a groundman that has only one saw on the job site.)

So, they are paying for your wear and tear? Is that what the check is for?