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Sheesh, talk about derailing a thread, how the heck did y'all go from what ya wear to an abortion issue, sheesh again (thanks BR for the above btw lol).
*rolling eyeballs*.
Now, back on topic again, I spent a good number of years in a sawmill, basic safety gear was always supplied but we also had the option of using our own, for example I didn't like half chaps when I was bucking (very large) log butts, so would bring my own falling pants if I knew that was the job-du-jour. We got ear plugs (foamies) and muffs but many of the smarter guys got fitted protection, hey its your ears eh, and hearing loss is (in my opinion) one of those things taken forgranted until its gone. Once a year got we free hats and tee shirts with the company logo on it (Domans at the time) so we could, by choice, fly the company colors. We could also purchase patches at cost to add to your favorite duds. In a service industry of any sort its nice to have everyone all dressed up, but unlike working in a pit like McMammeries or what-have-ya, not critical to getting the job done in the tree industry. It is just a matter of respect for your customers not to have yer az hanging out in the wind or smelling like a dogs lunch. You want to do something unique maybe consider sets of custom suspenders, they last longer than t's and will be valued by the recipients, hats and vests too maybe. It really is sort of a non-issue imho, a neat and clean appearence and a professional attitude will get you far further than lookin' pretty.

My 0.02$ worth on another stinkin' hot day with one of our nearby Islands a-fire (over 60 hectares burning and 1/5th of Gabriola residents evacuated, 200 peeps), a bloody scarey thing on these wee rocks btw. My bud and me are going up to the north end later and have a look see across the water and maybe take some pics too.

:cheers: !!! and keep your fire smarts!

BlueRidgeMark said:
So, they are paying for your wear and tear? Is that what the check is for?
Yeah, the boss figured that it is cheaper to pay someone to take care of their own equipment than it is for him to pay for the wear and tear on his equipment that everyone uses yet very few people take care of. Believe it or not, i've seen the numbers and is actually is cheaper for him doing it this way. I just have to remember when I receive my weekly equipment check that that is not drinking money-it is for upkeep and new equipment.

I believe Asplundh once had a similar program with saws in this area. Every man that used his own saw received a saw check every week. I don't know if they still do it.
beowulf343 said:
Believe it or not, i've seen the numbers and is actually is cheaper for him doing it this way.

I have no trouble believing it at all. It's a huge problem for our company, and the gear is a tad bit more expensive. We're talking about laptops getting trashed in 9 months, $20k - $350k pieces of test gear getting dropped all the time. And these are college graduates, supposedly much more sophisticated and responsible than you uneducated knuckle dragging tree types! :bang:

Yeah, RIGHT! :angry:
Hey, I have a small company. I have plenty of shirts to give out, I just do not have any employees to give them to. I had a guy last week, gave him two shirts and was about to help him buy a pair of boots of his choice. He quit saturday. At least I got 4 days out of him, i need to get my shirts back. In the future I will continue to give out shirts, jackets and safety gear. Everything else is up to them.
I guess Clearence has too many friends here. Or else I am making too much sense.

Oh, the love be Clearance and me is so thick you can cut it with a knife! :buttkick:


Just doing my part to keep the thread on topic, since I was one of the first to derail it. Just follow the link, and we three can smack each other around on the proper forum for that stuff. I've got it all set up so we can have at it:

buff said:
I guess Clearence has too many friends here. Or else I am making too much sense.
Buff, my friends here are few and far between, check out my green dot, "unknown quantity at this point", always been that way. Everything I say here is public, I have never used the rat point system to say good or bad. And you are not making any sense, all you seem to do is skip questions and assume things that I have not said.
Clearence...I understand one thing. Your solution to poverty is to abort their babies which you do not really consider human. You have an intellectual opinion about when life begins. But I can tell you that it ends with an abortion. But I guess that does not make sense to you.
buff said:
Clearence...I understand one thing. Your solution to poverty is to abort their babies which you do not really consider human. You have an intellectual opinion about when life begins. But I can tell you that it ends with an abortion. But I guess that does not make sense to you.
Did I say that? I said that sex education and birth control prevent unwanted pregnancy, and that if people have no sex education or available birth control then you will have more unwanted pregnancy and more s.t.d.s. I believe abortion is up to the woman, I would like to see birth control and sex education made availible to all young people, how do you feel about that? Like I said in my previous post, all you seem to do is skip questions and assume things I have not said. My solutions for solving poverty have very little to do with abortion, more to do with education and opportunity. But I am not saying what you think, I have the feeling that your idea is to keep 'em young, dumb and full of come, corn fed and inbred?. Barefoot and pregnant?, lets hear your thoughts on sex education and easily available birth control, like the pill and condoms handed out without moral judgement or opposition from religion.
beowulf343 said:
Changing the subject just a bit. Komitet, do you supply the gear for the climbers (ropes, saddle, hooks, blocks, etc?) The company I work for used to but discontinued it a while back. The boss realized it was cheaper for him to pay the guys for their own equipment (and he pays us well) than to keep buying equipment after it was abused or lost. People just don't seem to care about the equipment if it is not theirs. He had guys leaving saws at the job site and when they went back to pick them up, they were "missing." This way, since all the saws on the site belong to the guys on the site, they make sure none are left behind. I also like this for my gear. This way I know if the gear has seen any abuse or what it has gone through instead of just being handed some secondhand company gear. Plus I can use what I like instead of being stuck with the cheapest stuff the company could find. The company does pay for the gas and oil, and we use their trucks and chippers, but everything else on the crews is privately owned by the workers. Then at the end of every week we receive an extra check to pay for our gear depending on how much of it belongs to each individual. (For example, since I have four saws and my climbing gear at the job sites, I receive a larger equipment check than a groundman that has only one saw on the job site.) We have been using this system for several years now with very few complaints.

Company will supply ropes, saddles and spurs, etc... bucket harnesses, if you want something above what we supply, if it has a valid need we'll usually kick in for it, we have a few younger guys who think they need all the "toys" $200 pulleys, 8 point rigging blocks et.. we won't pay for that, it's unneccessary.

we also supply all saws for our 14 crews, each has, 1 MS200T or an 020, an 026, an 060, and a blower. they are responsible for daily maintenance, cleaning, chains, bars etc... we fix at our expense unless it was broken due to misuse.

Equipment generally doesn't get left on job sites here, if so, they notice quite a dent in their paycheck.
Well, I know one thing for sure. You think we do not have enough access to abortion in this country. You did say that. I did not make it up. And you do not think an abortion is killing life. I did not make that one up either. And, you think Wade V. Roe is a good idea. Good luck to you. I am finished with you.
Back on line.......

I am only too happy to show up for work in a T shirt company colour on my nickel-they are 3/$10 here, and I wear at least two every workday when it is hot. However if you want a silk screened company logo on them, that is your expense. Ditto for ball caps whatever.

Everything else I am willing to provide out of my pocket, boots, gloves, chainsaw pants etc. If the employer wants to throw a couple of pairs of safety glasses or gloves my way, great. I just do not want to be beholden to anyone.
buff said:
Well, I know one thing for sure. You think we do not have enough access to abortion in this country. You did say that. I did not make it up. And you do not think an abortion is killing life. I did not make that one up either. And, you think Wade V. Roe is a good idea. Good luck to you. I am finished with you.
Finally clued in to what I said instead of assuming, took a while, anyways, good luck. Jumper, you got 'er. I provide my own clothes and gear, if someone wants me to advertise for them, it better be a free shirt.