How can you separate unions and politics? You simply cannot.
I was in one union once. AFL-CIO. Waste of space do nothing union people with seniority got the best jobs. Also they could not be fired, no matter how much they forked things up. Same as the union stewards; untouchable. Even if they called in sick every other day. "Go slow" was the constant union mantra. Later when I was working at GD in Sandy Eggo we engineers voted ourselves out of the stupid union there. That was so we could actually get something done! It happened right after I was hired so I did not have to join. There were 4 other unions there on that campus and they were ALWAYS one on strike or negotiating a contract or threatening to walk out. They used to bully us and rant at us in the parking lot. Stand in front of our cars so we could not leave, and that kind of crap. We could not do a hundred and one different things and we had to go through the union staff for all kinds of stuff, including taking a circuit board from one side of the lab to the other. If we dared do anything ourselves, grievances were filed. It was all about them sucking the company and the government dry. Insane rules. Insane demands. Insane benefits. Here in Portland the unions screwed themselves out of the dockyard jobs. They demanded INSANE wages (like $100 grand a year for longshoremen), so what happened? The last container shipping line simply left Portland in 2016 not to return until one South Korea company came back last year, but only once a week. So the roads here are clogged up with trucks to cover for the shipping demand. What a great idea that was to demand insane wages and force the shipping out of The Port of Portland! Way to go unions!
I have no time for unions. They are a complete waste of everything. Time, money, people, taxes, management, skills, etc. etc. Completely useless in my experience. Worse than useless in the case of GD and the Port of Portland. A great system to force US companies to move jobs overseas.