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Your stove Doesn`t like 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 15" wood?Mine could care less.That size wood stacks the same too.It all looks the same under my shed too.I just collected all the deadfall around my house.I just cut it up.(I didn`t have to measure, I know what my stove will take, and I cut it smaller.No measuring, not paint, no chalk.See, I don`t need my wood to be between 16-18". Neither do you.Your wood could be 15. or 13 .Your stove don`t care.I`ll bet you could cut a whole truck load of wood under 18" without measuring.You just don`t want to.For some reason, you need your wood to be uniform.It doesn`t have to just has to fit in your stove.It just seems silly to me to think of you guys out there with a paint can or chalk, marking your firewood like your bucking logs for the mill.I`ve never had to do it, and never will.I`ll always just cut it way small if I have to.
Nope. My stove DOESN'T like the shorter wood. Seriously, it doesn't burn as uniform. Yes, it DOES care. A bunch of short small pieces burn hotter and don't last as long. You can't put as much wood in to the box, and you've got to refill it more often.
And yes, wood that is all uniform in size means less work in the end. You cut five 10" pieces to my three 16" pieces. Why do you want to do all that extra work? You've got to split it, stack it, move it into the house, etc. All those extra pieces add up.
On top of that, I can get more wood stacked in my woodshed, the pile stays stacked better, and it is easier to carry an armload into the house.
But hey, if you enjoy doing all that extra work, more power to you.