A few Pretty Funny Replies?!?!
boxer_1, sounds like a valid question. Yes you will end up short on pieces and a pile of sawdust cutting up a 34' tree.
PS, could you send us pics of your wife, I would like to see the most understanding woman in the world. And a bit off topic but could you give me a hint as to how long foreplay normally takes at your house? :hmm3grin2orange:
First, let me thank you for addressing my question. Second, I did and do realise that the loss of length to kerf would be ongoing, I used the "end" of the log being bucked because that's where it would be and was most obvious.
It was not because I pfigured that there was no loss to kerf until I cut the final piece and, almost magically, all of the loss to width of cut just seemed to blow off the final piece in a whirlwind of sawdust (as a member suggested in an astonishingly creative post).
I was patient with the "w.t.f" remark, funny and definitely was
not a waste of time to type out at all. Tried to explain myself, and apologized about the post. Now to continue seems like a
few here are using this as a tryout for a comedy show. C'mon now, asking me how long foreplay takes in my house? I believe it was only in good fun for you, but c'mon, leave me with a little dignity intact if you can resist making it burn

Besides, I
thought I made it clear that I'm not the way that post read, practically at any other time besides when I was typing the post that came across to a few as so funny ya just had to comment, who cares if it comes at an expense to someone other than the guy lucky enough to have posted the most recent humorous remarks.
Joking aside, I believe we are all adults here (or at least show some maturity) and we are posting on "Welcome to...
The Largest Tree Care Forum on the Web!"
So please, if anyone has yet to do so, laugh, roll around, and let it all out ("The
welcoming me" part I guess). Now that I feel surrounded by many who's lives are the woods, can we please talk shop with posts actually containing, legitimate tree care, timber harvesting, chainsaw pros vs cons, etc. (a.k.a. anything more on topic than some and something posted after the belly laugh was all out of the systems of some?)
I posted the question about the mingo firewood measure because the member who started the thread named it, "Very particular about my firewood." I
hope the few still stuck on my original post AND unable to refrain from typing "....Seriously... W.T.F?!?!?! (btw-to answer your question, whatever you like! To each their own I guess). I
thought my question would be relevant to the topic. It's simple really, is it accurate [the mingo measure] or not? And maybe someone who actually uses one could give me a "ballpark" figure of how much it is or is not off??? At about $30.00 a piece the Mingo has raked in some $$$ since it hit the market. From what I had read in other posts, it was not wasted money. Just wanted to confirm that before my money went into it...no sense for more people to get screwed than need be, or, by the same token, no sense to pass up a useful product if it does the job as advertised! Right / wrong? Peace out to the people with nothing to contribute to the post but hard feelings and to "contributors" to the thread / post, Thank You for not running with the proverbial Kindergarten kickball...LOL.
I realize that a certain % here have very little to do with firewood (especially now). That's fine and your business. For those who do and realize that some customers like uniform lengths, you are the ones I was aiming my questions toward. Heck, for all I know some here could be crossing guards, have next to nothing to do with trees & markets, just here to post, read their post and laugh about it while trying to impress some with their lack of fear to post whatever they like toward someone whom they don't have to deal with face to face. I know some people are like that, kinda play with fire while not being near the heat...hehe!
Now, a little further north I will ask a question that's rather off topic (well, actually not if you re-read the thread topic, will the responses be legit, if at all? Let's see...Who here that
actually deals with firewood sales uses a moisture meter? I broke down an picked 1 up a couple months back because there was so much talk (in my area of course) about dealers passing off wood just a month or 2 from green as "seasoned!" Less heat output and more creosote! Creosote build-up (as most of you know) can (unless they have the chimney cleaned VERY often) lead to an increased risk of chimney fire and too often, the loss of a home and more!
I can now prove my moisture level and advertise that fact. Less fear of deception = more business, not to mention a safer wood burning season! Anyone else here see proving your wood's moisture level as important, or maybe overrated? My meter uses the 1/2" pins, so I pick a piece when testing that was not in the best spot in the pile. Cut it in half and test moisture percentages from each end "out" from the middle of course (aka - I try to test where it is more likely to contain over 20% moisture and NOT qualify a seasoned to see if I have a problem meeting 20% so I can attempt to re-stack, relocate, whatever to make it dry enough to be truly seasoned (if I advertised it as such of course).
Yes this post is long too, but this time it was because I felt the need to clarify even the obvious for the few to avoid the last misunderstanding where a member thought I believed only the final piece I cut from a log shows any sign of being short. Umm...I
can see the sawdust from every cut as well as use common sense!:chainsawguy: C'ya for now (I've posted here 3 times now and I must say, "The welcome from some makes me feel like hurrying back to see the replies left by a few that makes me wonder how I had insulted them directly by the way it is so worth their time to stop by and write W.T.F!"

oke:...lol. Of course, all in fun / humor ya know! Don't go getting offended like I
almost did with some replies! Happy harvesting / typing, well, which ever you do more of...lol!
just fyi - If my post is too long, feel free to not read it! Just letting you know there is an option for the few who seem stressed enough to slip over to the button that makes them express feelings having nothing to do with the topic or, for that matter, the subject matter of the forum seems pertenant to wood cutting discussions
before posting a first post that would make me shy away from posting further if I didn't realize that it takes all kinds to make forums go 'round, some of which ignoring would probably be the best bet...ya know, focus on the positives most members bring to this forum and disregard the "true" jesters for which there is a smiley for that should be added to more posts that add up to nothing more than that...Just keeping it real, keeping in step with the few out of line remarks and comments I've seen thus far. Good Day!