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Those ranchers are notoriously bad about that from what I've seen, I think it's mostly a quality control issue because the carbs used in those saws aren't held to the same QC as their 3 series and 5 series saws are. There is also a lot of issues with overheating and not starting after the Saw heats up and that's right out of the box. I would say check all of the regulars, maybe look and see if there is a fuel line routing problem, where the fuel line will pinch shut, also check the fuel filter for any problems and the compression, make sure it didn't eat something and won't run now because it loses compression too quickly.

Edit: you might want to check and make sure the choke is working properly also

I agree with this, a buddy of mine bought one brand new and had the same problem. Had it back to the dealer 3 times under warranty before they figured out it was a pinched fuel line.
it comes with a 1967 evinrude 80 HP motor, trailer. the boat is a little small maybe 16' the boat looks a little dirty but otherwise intact. Trailer looks pretty solid.
Wish you luck that it runs and works well. Outboard parts can get expensive quick, especially if you have to resort to eBay. I am fortunate enough to have an awesome guy locally who has a ton of parts. He was the sole reason why my Mercury 40 runs today. Have yet to take it out on the open water, but I will someday.
Ahh boats. I have a love/hate relationship with these. Fun as all hell during the season but dangerous when stuff hits the fan. One of my closest experiences to death was with a boat in the ocean. Ironically same with my brother in the ocean. Also have a good friend that his boat died in the Piscataqua river which is like the missippi river of New England and came close to ship wrecking but managed to wave down another boater and got towed to safety. I only go in boats on lakes now that I can see the shore and the water is warm. Some of my best memories as a kid was being on my dads 16' vhull boat with I think an older 70 evinrude. It was called the "Tin Turtle"
This is what I take out when I go on the water, dad was going to sale it til I told him I use it now and then so he gave it to me.

Steve Sidwell, Samsung On5 using Tapatalk
Turns out the boat is in seriously rough shape... the chainsaw doubly so. Looks like someone straight gassed the saw, not worth repairing. The boat is full of water under the deck and has been that way for a while I'm guessing... stringers are probably rotten. I'm still interested in the trade, the motor is actually a 80's Johnson and looks pretty clean. Funny story, on the way home I ran across a nice boat with a serious need for new seats and carpet but way nice. The guy said you can have the boat for free but the trailer is 800... I called up the other guy who said the trailer is free but you have to take the boat. I think I can make this work... the newer boat has a mercruiser four cyl inboard that I can easily work on. I figure I'll flip the outboard motor and use the proceeds towards fixing up the other boat.

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I was out to the shed, grabbed a saw at random to play with, well not all that random, it was in my way.
It was a PM700, it will look good when cleaned up. My tag on it says it has sat in the same spot since Nov, 2013.
20'' bar, chainbrake even works. It needs a quick carb clean and the recoil lubed.
I was out to the shed, grabbed a saw at random to play with, well not all that random, it was in my way.
It was a PM700, it will look good when cleaned up. My tag on it says it has sat in the same spot since Nov, 2013.
20'' bar, chainbrake even works. It needs a quick carb clean and the recoil lubed.
Pics or it didn't happen.
I hear that, boats are for the birds lol
Fortunately for me, I can fix anything that may go wrong myself so I can keep it pretty cheap. I'm just looking for something to get the girls out on the water occasionally. My kids are too big to cram all three in a canoe with my wife any more.

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