visit from dave niegra

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now wait a minute barky marky.. we not done yet.. i want to see another demo of that real southern hillbilly accent . id try an new york accent but i never could master it .. least not near as good as your southern rendition.
come on now.. say something with we ins or youins in it .. :)
we oughta get togather an swap accents over coffee.. you being the money man,u come dn here.. ill show u some real southern good times..u aint living until u spend one sat. nite with a pretty little southern hillbilly girl..
besides my chick gettin car, aint much [festiva].. bring a big ole car with fold back,ll never be th same mark..i dare u to try it,, but.. if u measure up
u mite just buy a place dn here..dont be standing outside the fire mark.. come on dn bud. :)
moderators the fold back seats are because a fellow gotta rest sometime..
u know whut i mean. just dont want give the wrong idea, about our southernbells
i forgot to mention ,mark.. u being single ,a lot longer than me .. u can demo, u chick gettin ability.. im outa practice..u can use one whole end, o this mansion ,i live gotta private bathe ,double bed, sat tv ,an other stuff..
ive backed off the booze but ,ill make exceptions ,should u decide to come..
dont forget that shiny car and a little slinging around money.. it impresses the womens ,,u know..let me know now when u coming .. ill have to get my ears lowered [southern for haircut] mite even take a bath.. them ladies aint to partial to body odors an all.
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stihltech said:
There is still a 750 competing in the NYS Lumberjacks Association meets. And every once in a while, it is the fastest hotsaw, made from an actual chainsaw, at the meet.
That saw belongs to Tim Keech. Stihltech, you are right, it is a quick saw. Tim is also a superb operator. The saw was originally built by Chauncey Varney for Don Dolliver who sold it to Gary Hammond when he got out of it. Gary then sold it to Tim for the price of $500 (Gasp!) when he bought a Chauncey 3120 around '92. It's funny is seeing Tim beat these indy cars we got with that old studebaker. :rolleyes:
bwalker said:
Dion Warwick told me. :p

Just as I would have guessed you answer to be Ben, No problem though but you maybe wrong.
Can't really blame ya though Ben you may be the best "hear say" kinda guy I know.
There is an old saying goes some thing like telegram, telephone telawalker

Tony don't get to riled up someone has to be on the hit list all the time or thing are just to boring for some hear.
Eric that's a nice picture, where was that taken? I have a wonderful game room myself not as complete as yours. I did get the MTN goat and the Ram a few years ago. What a hunt but the best part was watching my friend harvest the grizz. 9' 10" it finished at. I never saw a bear so big in my life not even at the circus. Keep them coming.
we aint mad are we mark.. lets here some more of that southern jive talk..
i meant everything i said..i jus invited mark,, to gods country.. i didnt get an answer either.. that, be a bit offensive to me.. i dont do that with everybody..
bring some of those high priced saws with u.. wanta see what money can buy..already know as to this forum ,but im sure u got some saws ,that be
real interesting..besides i could use a man with money power .. mite give me some tips on how to be like mark.. u know what i mean mark.. kinda like when u said u wish u could live life like john.. like he was your idle or something..
i know what u mean there ,,, u mite be my idlle ,if u for real..not really tho cause im afraid new york aint big enuff for me[just wouldnt fit in there].im serious as a heartbeat about the invite mark..
stihltech said:
There is still a 750 competing in the NYS Lumberjacks Association meets. And every once in a while, it is the fastest hotsaw, made from an actual chainsaw, at the meet.

You're talking about Tim Keech's applebox, I think. It's a very good saw. Amazing...those things are almost antiques are they?

Arden Cogar Jr. aka Jamie
Chopwood said:
That saw belongs to Tim Keech. Stihltech, you are right, it is a quick saw. Tim is also a superb operator. The saw was originally built by Chauncey Varney for Don Dolliver who sold it to Gary Hammond when he got out of it. Gary then sold it to Tim for the price of $500 (Gasp!) when he bought a Chauncey 3120 around '92. It's funny is seeing Tim beat these indy cars we got with that old studebaker. :rolleyes:

Uh... should have read the entire thread before I posted. YOu know the specifics. Wow, I didn't now that much. Chauncey's a Genius. Simply a genius. The saws he built over a decade ago are still competitive. I remember an 090 he built and used at Booneville during the early 90s when they still had two classes of hotsaw (production saw versus hot saw). He made three cuts on a 20" white pine in less than 9.5. It was absolutely incredible. At that time, the bikes and early rotaxs were making the three cuts in the high sevens and low eights. Unreal.

All the best,
Arden cogar Jr. aka Jamie

I can`t speak for Ed or anyone but myself, but given that you bought a modified saw from Ed and promptly tore it down, took pictures to document proprietary porting technique, and then disseminated those pictures not only to a competitive saw modifier but in essence the whole world via the internet, I couldn`t imagine myself building a widget for you.

You know what they say, build one house, does anyone call you a house builder? Climb one tree, does anyone call you a treeclimber? But fook one goat....., well you get the idea. That may be the basis for Ben and Dion`s :D opinion.

Not jumping on the band wagon, but Russ, makes a very Valid point, and since "Dave makes some of the Strongest saws you have ever had your hands on", why would you even need an EHP saw?
Hi guys, I thought this thread was to be about Dave meeting Tony M, which I think is great but somehow I think it got a little off track, Dave builds a good saw and so do others like Dan so lets get back to the visit, and if Dave or Dan want to come up here , comeon I have room for them , my cooking may not be the greatest but my 6 pack right now is a 1 big pack and I am a long way from starving to death, but bring clothes
well if mark will fly dn here an get me ,,i mite like to come..course dont be surprised if the plane has to make several tries to get me off the ground..they ll look back and see where my toenails was diggin up concrete..trouble is the mind mite be willing to fly..
but the rest o me is gonna hold on to mother earth ,or be found trying..
oops i fergot ehp .. i wasnt invited was i.. excuse me for assuming..
just out o curiosity ed ,,would u build me a saw..mabe a 346..
heck with the rest o my saws i could give an educated opinion of everybodies much would it cost ,, assuming wes good buddies,of course.. :)
Ok yes you have all made some very valid points.I wasn't going to make a reply before going out of AS service for a about a week but I decided what the heck why not .
Ok now put your self's in my shoes ,This is my side of the great EPH 357 dilemma witch I will swear on my mother life to be true.
I bought a new 357 from Ed received the saw well before we all went to Johns for the great get together.In the mean time I am cutting with this saw allot, having no problems and have NOT been inside of it yet. I start getting emails and PM's from Ed that he would like to buy this saw back. I keep telling him no I like the saw and see no reason to part with it and that I was very happy with it.
So I carry the saw up to Johns get together have a wonderful time. run it along side a 357 that Danny had built for MM. (that I personal carried to Johns as well) I don't remember witch one was faster mine of MM wasn't enough difference to talk about if I remember correctly. At that time we where all on who had the fastest 346 band wagon.
after getting back home, Ed still wants to buy the saw back say's he needs it to put on alcohol.
So this just kept laying in the back of my mind that their must be something real special or perhaps something not so special about this saw who knew but I was going to find out. Me being fairly mechanically inclined decided to pull it apart. Now this is some time after the GTG. When I got the saw apart I did see allot of different thing I had never seen before and a lot of things I totally didn't understand so I did take pictures of the cylinder.
One evening I was on the PC chatting on yahoo messenger with none other than Ben Walker he had asked me how I like the EPH 357 I told him I like the saw, But honestly didn't think it was all that much different than the one MM had but the saw was strong and I was happy with it.Then went on to tell him I had it apart and their was allot of thing I didn't understand and I had taken some pic's. of it.
Ben asked me to send them to him and perhaps he would and could explain thing better, So I sent them to him via internet. he later that evening called me on the phone he said "wow" he didn't really understand everything either.
Basically the same thing happened with Dan. But he put them up on his web space to view them. Keep in mind hear the whole time this was all going on this saw nor any part of it ever left my possession.He explain to me that it looked like the fuel/air was being guided but he didn't understand some of it either.
Of course Dan being the way his is and everything is slow weather it is or isn't, and Labeled them Eric's slow 357.
So in turn everyone that noses around on Dan's web space seen them. Then all the PM's and emails started coming in begging to buy this saw back. (BTW I still have every one of them if anyone doubts me). I kept asking if the fact that I had had the saw apart was the reason the saw was wanted back.Ed kept telling me NO he needed one for a up coming show and had to have 3-357 on alcohol for this show and didn't have time to build another.
So in fact that I already felt badly that I had already pissed Ed off I agreed to let him have it back. I asked him if he would ever build me another saw in the future and he said he didn't know why not.
So in closing hear I guess I am guilty buying a eph 357xp. Being told that it would run .02sec. slower than a KD385xp witch bye the way I'm not saying it didn't, it may have but I personally didn't see it happen.
Then being a old gear head wondering what could make a saw almost half the ci. run with one almost twice it's size then the great EPH357 saga unfolded.
So Ed in closing if you decide to never build me another saw well then so be it,but atleast be man enough to tell me not all your wolves !But I still think you could have been more honest with me instead of more or less scamming me out of it making me look like the total ass.
So do you best to keep your pack of wolfs Happy and by all means like I have said before I never met to embarrass you in any way. Maybe I shouldn't have looked inside of it but I did it was my saw or I though it was anyway and you never told me you had a no open policy sorry . Do you sell all your saw with a no open clause?
So let the pack attack I will be leaving shortly for sunny Florida for the upcoming holiday

Where you went wrong in regard to the ehp 357 in my opinion, is when you sent pictures to anyone, but especially another saw builder.

The fact that you have professed so much admiration for Dave`s work yet want another EHP saw is a mystery, which BTW, falls in quite nicely with the fact that Dave himself has contacted various people known to possess saws by other builders, wanting to "borrow" them.

If Dave merely wants to run another builder`s saws to benchmark his own, all he needs to do is attend a get together. In the few messages that I`ve swapped with Dave he seems like a nice guy and I`d happily let him run any of my saws. The fact that he wants the saws in his lone possesion has created quite a bit of conjecture as to why, and why wouldn`t it? I am not passing any judgement on Dave`s reasons nor his ability because it has been reported by seemingly unbiased individuals that Dave can indeed build a fast saw. You do have to admit that the details of this situation would cause you to pause and ponder if the roles were somehow reversed or assumed by anyone else.


I do not know how I got involved in this bunch of B.S. nor do I care, however, I do take exception to the allegations that I would like to borrow another saw builders product and keep it in my lone possession, if you would like to send me the names of the people who have made these claims I will contact them and set the record straight. If however you do not wish to do that I will consider you a bald faced liar. The only saw builders I know on the A.S. site are Dan and Ed and I feel quite sure if any of us wanted to contact each other we could compare notes without the rancor that you and your cronies try to stir up. It is true that Eric brought the 357 to my house and we pulled the cyl. off, I told him at that time I could do nothing more to it. The only other incident was at Tony's house when we compared Dans 372 to one that I had with me. If I wanted to compare saws with someone I could drive 50 miles away and visit with Cliff Helsel and compare them with the fastest saws out there.
In the future I would like to be left out of your petty shenanigans and suggest you start doing your job as a so called moderator. This site does not need the fook this and fook that, nor do we need to hear the diatribe of one member insulting another for the way they express themselves. We have all read the slamming of builders from people who have never dealt with them. I would hope Darren reads this and takes some action, this could be a fun site and much could be accomplished to further the safe use and the fun side of chainsawing.
I feel sorry for you, Tony. Seems the thread is beond recovery now.
I for one would like to hear more about the good time you had, and not stuff that the other kids cry about.
That could be done at some other thread or even in pivate, with who ever concerned.

This is my opinion, made it myself.
Eric we all see what you are trying to do , well I know I do.
when I made that saw for you I told you that I wouldnot build you a saw if you were going to take it apart and just to see what I did, and your words were you would not take it apart and show people, well guess what some how it did, the screws on the jug didnot fall out themselfs. A nd that is what pi$$ed me off.

Eric every saw I make has that clause, if it is not what you want I will buy it back but yours has been the only saw that I wanted to buy back and the only saw that I have bought back , I have had no other complaints so far.

another thing do I use a computer to design new stuff like porting and pipes , your d@mn right I do , I got the programs so why not use them and try to recover some of the money I paid for them.
it takes the guessing game out of doing new stuff.
Am I the only guy with this program, h#ll no there must be 40 other guys with the same program but for some reason they donot seem to get it to work proper

So why do you want another saw from me really doesnot make any sense to me because like you always say Dave and Dan's are the strongest saws you have ever had in your hands, now I am not saying you are not correct but it does seem strange to me if someone elses saws are faster why would you want a slower one.

yes I needed your saw and I put it on alcohol and I still own it , NBLogger has been running it down east and in the states. is it fast , not sure but it cut a 4.91 sec. last show and that is 3 cuts in 8 by 8 aspen cold start on muffler so yes it does haul a$$. Bullock got the other 357 I built and he is woodland's cutter and I needed 1 more to before the first race in May last year but I didnot get it done in time so he bought another saw from me.

Eric it maybe just me but I feel I have the right to build for whoever I want, that is my right.
Now I will build almost for anybody the first time but if it doesnot work out and it is not in my best interest to build again then why would I . Money is not everything you know, I try my best to do as good of job as I can because that reflexs on me as what kind of person I am, some saws I take longer to build because I want it to be as close to perfect as I can get and instead of blowing a pile of saws out the door just to make money I run ever single saw and make sure I am happy with it
and why do you need a small saw to cut firewood if you are in the sunny south
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