visit from dave niegra

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All this bruhaha about this or that builders saw being better, and the builders themselves would like nothing better than to sit down and have a beer together. :p
Stihltech I donot drink, but I can drink water or diet pop if that helps. Diet pepsi is my choice , I know taste like crap but if that is all you can have it is better than nothing right.

I merely posed a question based on reports that I heard, alledging that you wanted to borrow saws built by others. I have heard this allegation from several forum members, that of being contacted by you asking for a saw. There is one certain individual from Pennsylvania with many Power Ported saws whom I wholeheartedly believe that you contacted because this person has proven to be entirely credible in all other matters. Are you going to claim that this isn`t true? If you wanted so badly to see what a Dan Henry 7900 looks like inside, why didn`t you just ask Dan?

I could care less if you want to consider me a bald faced liar since your extremely defensive reaction suggests that you aren`t one to be passing judgement in this regard. Up until the point of your over emotional response I merely wondered if there was an ulterior motive and connection between yourself and Eric, now I think I have an answer. My credibilty here is established through that of the majority.

This site could be alot more fun with less behind the scenes and now in the open BS, but it seems that the fact of the matter is that most of us have been posting together for many years now and have consequently learned many things about one another. Consequently certain friendships and alliances have formed just as they would in a real neighborhood. Another factor that would make this site more fun would be if people who hung out a shingle actually did not feel as if they were beyond reproach simply because they are sponsors. I want to be clear that I am not speaking about you Dave.

The fact of the matter IMO Dave is that I`m fed up with those who are lying and cheating, and being a moderator, which BTW pays poorly, lol, has kept me from revealing everything that I have found out from many different sources including my own experience, not just my "cronies". I personally am trying not to "stir up rancor" but I am only human and ultimately fed up with the shenanigans of certain said builders who are attempting to discredit my integrity and ability to run a saw because I could not make their saws winners. I have video to show how various saws stack up that I will post as soon as I get my new computer on-line. The video should illustrate that all saws in question were tuned and operated appropriately and will even show within the limitations of video that all saws are running the same bars and chains. Anything I can do to be as fair and unbiased as possible because I feel that my credibilty is being unfairly questioned and damaged by the claims of a certain builder.

Another fact of the matter is that for anyone to say anything good or bad about a builder, it should be a prerequisite that that person has actually done business with the builder being spoken of and they should also have experience with other builders for comparative basis. You and I have never done business, for no particular reason. I already noted that I thought that you are a good guy based on our conversations.

I agree that we shouldn`t be so critical of the way that others post and speak and I will be asking the person whom I`m sure that you are referring to, to back off.

In the end we all need to remember that we are known by the company that we keep. If those people that we associate with are viewed as deceitful, we will be also.

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woodsjunkie said:
One evening I was on the PC chatting on yahoo messenger with none other than Ben Walker he had asked me how I like the EPH 357 I told him I like the saw, But honestly didn't think it was all that much different than the one MM had but the saw was strong and I was happy with it.Then went on to tell him I had it apart and their was allot of thing I didn't understand and I had taken some pic's. of it.
Ben asked me to send them to him and perhaps he would and could explain thing better, So I sent them to him via internet. he later that evening called me on the phone he said "wow" he didn't really understand everything either.
A few points.... I never asked your for the pics. You divulged them on your own accord. Also if you remember correctly you didnt send me any pics but instead you linked me to Dans site.
Other thing that everything is pretty accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Now let me see if I have this right.
Tony is illiterate trailer trash. Barky is a high roller who brags about his $.
Jokers is nothing but a bald faced lier. Ed is a conman.
Woodsjunkie is as loyal as a two dollar hooker and Dave Nieger is a chainsaw peeping Tom.
Well, you guys got nothing on me. I'm a homosexual according to Silver Blue who says I made sexual advances toward him when he came to my woodlot for parts I gave him, however, I didn't know he meant private parts. LOL
Hey Ive seen the video and its not a pretty site watching you fondle a guy, John I will sell you a copy if you lost yours LOL
russ i dont know beans about most of whats being talked about..
but ill disaggree with u on one point.. if a man modifies a saw for me .. i try it and like it.. i dont think it should be necessary, for me to buy a saw from another builder,to make the assesment that i really think this is one heck of a me its not about whos better anyway.. its about whether i think i got what i wanted..and so far i couldnt be happier with dans work.. he knows i have no use for race saws, that will need rebuilding between competitions..
i need something that speeds my work up an makes the day easier..
the only weakness of either of my saws is my chains.. im in the process of going back to the basic ,last all day chain,as i write this..
altho ill still keep me,, an chain ready for any who want to take one o my saws on..we can make a friendly wager and just enjoy doing what we like to do all day..
win or lose ,i win ,as theres few around here that are even interested.and i like he company.
now im looking forward to my 962..i saw daves work, so itll be what i like ,im betting.. a real fast ,strong work saw.mostly guys,lets get along a little better.. surely we are mature enuff to do that.jmo
heck my mamma would wear hickorys out on all our butts ,if she was still with us.wish she wus. :)
tony marks said:
russ i dont know beans about most of whats being talked about..
but ill disaggree with u on one point.. if a man modifies a saw for me .. i try it and like it.. i dont think it should be necessary, for me to buy a saw from another builder,to make the assesment that i really think this is one heck of a me its not about whos better anyway.. its about whether i think i got what i wanted..

Good points Tony. My only argument would be that other than in jest, you can`t possibly say that Dan is the best builder unless you`ve tried other guys saws and found that to be true.

I know that we aren`t even supposed to be determining who`s the best anyway, but it is human nature. We all get our turn in the barrel and today it was Eric`s for begging Ed to build him another saw.

Dearess Chattanooga, Seems like ah might hafta take yo' up on thet offer t'visit, ah's a-gonna be down in CONCORD in Feb fo' a li'l finicial seminar. Puffick timin' th' waether will be cold up hyar an' ah can fit in right befo'e mah winter vacashun at ST. Barths. ah love wimmen an' ah have heard th' NYC wimmen doesn't compare t'th' Southern Bell, ah reckon. On thin' ah's excited about is ah nevah slepp in trailer o' been in trailer park hotel, ah reckon. Please PM me wif all th' details. ah w'd brin' 100 poun's of fif'ys but fum whut ah unnerstan' pople down thar kin't count thet high. Also let me knows if yo' need a tooth brush t'brush thet lone front tooth of yourn :)
Chattanooga almost fo'got whut yer poison ah nevah like inter mans trailer emppy han'ed :p :heart:
i aint sure u talkin to me ,,but if u is,feb is good..ill try an have some good wood by then by the way ,that was a little better effort at southern lingo.. u will have it down pat before u leave .. assuming u was talkin to me..rum or scotch is my choosing..dont forget u saws now..
Chattanooga AKA Tony ah will haf a 346EHP, JD066, 200tBS, 2100FMC, 680FMC, 7900EHP. Thet sh'd roun' out th' quivah. Plus as an' addded bonus ah buy th' grub an' six pack fo' th' weekend, cuss it all t' tarnation.
Sorry Marky you lost me about 4 words in , I guess this is down south talk and me being north of the border does not help trying to figure out what in the he!! you just said, but I did get the trailer part
jus excuse him ehp .. hes trying to talk southern lingo..he ll get it dn when hes dn here..mark i aint meaning to be nosy.. but i was just talkin to a lady ,and it occured to me ..well she clean up purty i mentioned u wus coming dn.. .. how old, u be brother..u got any age limits, u dont go over, as to u interest in ladies.. u know the wine gets better with time..looking forward to seeing them saws an having a good time..unless something unexpected feb ,i usually got plenty o free time .. so if u got the money ,i got the time.
naw im jus kiddin ,ill buy a jug a bar oil..i aint cheap..
ps didnt mean to neglect what u said russ.. but i never heard dan say he was the best.. he jus do what he do .. and it was better than any saw ive owned..
he says he got faster saws but marks gonna see this aint no slouch here in my stable
u points taken tho.. :) u oughta come dn too. :)

Sorry about not getting back to you, but in talking to Terry Greene from Dolmar he said there were none in the States yet. I made the suggestion that they get some in as we had the same problem with the 120si a few years back. The factory then started shipping them with the saws, it seems that they think all U.S.would has thick bark like the West Coast, I will call you when I hear anything or if you hear any more give me a call.
im talking to much i know.. but dave i know u busy, but id sure like to have some time in with that 962 when mark gets here. this could get interesting..
:) thanks tony..
ps this how nascar got started.. the mountain boys racing the boys from the piedmont area..anybody with some good driving tips .. email me.
Ed it's no big deal not understanding that southern lingo. I do however know one thing you understand and that is building that 346. I have cut everything in site and even gave it a run in the basement. It has more compression than an 088. I wonder if I should of had you install a decompression button on it.
All I can say is it runs like all Hell. With or without the pipe. I have been fooling with the chains you sent me a while ago and haven't needed the race chains as of yet. The one chain that was wrapped up in your old underwear cut a hole right thru it when I pulled it out of the box.

Since this is a strong woods modified saw I can honestly say it eats my PP346. That is on the muffler not the pipe. The one cool thing I also like about the muffler is the little pipes. Welds were flawless and has a nice ear piercing ring, as an added bonus it looks like cat eyes lit up.
Ed ran the Pizz out of that saw before it came stateside to insure his highest quality. There's even a sticker on the bottom inspected by EHP. Like you get with fruit of the loom T shirts. So there's the report on the 346xp EHP. Never a dull moment in this house, well maybe a chain or two.
I might have to have a tailgate party here in NJ..... INVITE ONLY.... of course.

Al 30 years ago I got one sitting in my garage 30 feet away well maybe 100 but who's counting.
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