visit from dave niegra

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I am really sorry this turned out to be such a pissing match, if I had any thought that visiting Tony would stir up this kind of reaction I would have passed it by. However you still have not revealed your so called sources and until you do wear the coat that fits.
As for me contacting someone in Pa. about borrowing a saw the only one I have talked to is Rich Hoffman, he has called me a few times to ask questions about saw building and I have tried to answer him in an honest way, from port timing to pipes. As for me wanting to see what is inside Dans or Eds saws it is a very simple matter to just buy one and have a look. As far as a no teardown clause I would invite anyone to pull one of mine down give me a call and I will tell you why it was done that way. All of the modifiying procedures are fair game and once you sell a saw it is the new owners right to do what he wants to with it. I have been building saws since 1973 and have picked the brains of people much smarter than myself, I also have given out plenty of info to my own competitors. I don't have to use others methods.
If you want some references call Tom and Alex Bildeaux, Arden Cogar Sr.
Paul Cogar, Curt Hiser. Cliff Helsel, Harry Bodecker, Benny Whitfield. I can give you all of their phone #s.
My time for building full out racing saws is over, but I do enjoy fooling with the so called woods saws and would like to continue without a bunch of characters that for the most part would not know a piston from a crank besmirching my name and reputation.
Here's Tony's :eek:

Chattanooga Tony ah hope yo' doesn't haf enny fleas down thar cuz right now ah have a bad case of chigger bites fum TX. Mah legs look like ah was shot wif birdshot. Oh by th' way enny pigeon shoots down thar. ah knows thar is a trimenjus one at a club called Molloys. Been down thar a few times t'shoot wif th' southern pigeon shooters. Them fellas kin shoot an' helter-skelter coon houn's all night. ah w'd be up fo' coon huntin' than courtin' a southern bell, ah reckon

Here's for the rest of ya all

Tony I hope you don't have any fleas down there cause right now I have a bad case of chigger bites from TX. My legs look like I was shot with birdshot. Oh by the way any pigeon shoots down there. I know there is a big one at a club called Molloys. Been down there a few times to shoot with the southern pigeon shooters. Those boys can shoot and run coon hounds all night. I would be up for coon hunting than courting a southern bell.
well i hope u aint mad at me dave... just wanted to let folk know i enjoyed u visit.. now fllas theres an real pretty lady trying to call me and if i can get in touch with her this mite take some time. later now..
Both my son Rob and I wished we had a little more time to perhaps run some of the other saws such as the Partner and the 361 Stihl, we both enjoyed our visit and would recommend that any one in the area look Tony up.
okay dave ,i think u know i enjoyed it to.. let me say first that im no saw racer..
but ill do my best to do that 962 justice..
as with dans saws,, im more interested in a good durable[fast] :) work saw.
than an dragster..
i had a great time an was very impressed with the power in those saws ..
also with u an your son.. always good to get to know good people..
do yall see a possibility from this thread and others,of mabe a shift on this forum .. i think i see the seeds of a friendlier future.. least i hope so..
condemnation of others is usually not going to produce good things..
just takes working thru things..
woodsjunkie said:
run it alo Me being fairly mechanically inclined decided to pull it apart. Now this is some time after the GTG. When I got the saw apart I did see allot of different thing I had never seen before and a lot of things I totally didn't understand so I did take pictures of the cylinder.

dneiger said:
It is true that Eric brought the 357 to my house and we pulled the cyl. off, I told him at that time I could do nothing more to it.

woodsjunkie said:
Now that I have had the chance to put some time on my PP372 I have chunked approximately 10 full cord's with it. I just can't say enough about this saw it performs flawlessly and Man dose she run !!!!
I am truly impressed with this saw.If you guys could hear and feel this saw run and cut you would know what I mean , You can tell that Dan goes the extra mile .
I believe Dan told me he spends approximately 12 hours in the barrel alone and it sure shows..I'm going to try to inter a few local saw races this year hopefully with the help of a Larry Steiner (he know where and when all the events are held) I'm positive their is enough saw not sure if their enough operator or chain though.
After having Dan Power port the 372 and the two 2149's I am so impressed with Dan's work I just ordered a 346xp.
IMO no one is offering the improvement that Dan provides for the Money NO ONE. IMO Dan may be as fast or faster than master Dunn him self.

Eric why would you need a saw from anyone else at this point. If your gonna tell us how fast Dans saws are then lets see your piles of wood. Let's see some video's clips. Most of all bring out Dan from the closet and make some posts instead of you guys doing all his chirping. Those pictures were on Dan's web space that was a bad move.
As for Dave wanting saws I do happen to know he asked some members here. My horns hold my halo up, but worst of all I ended up in the hospital this morning because I fell of my wallet it was so packed. :angel:

Tony if you talk like you type I ain't comming down unless you supply an interpreter. :heart:
now that heart stuff dont ride on this hoss, mark. :) but come on dn,only if u want to ..but what u got to lose..
banjos playin, is sometime a good thing.. yes i realise u cant fix everything..
i can operate in good an bad circumstances.. but i do put a value on
knowing good folk..quote.... theres so much bad in the best of us. and so much good in the worst of us..i think u get what im saying.. mabe. :)
As I told Russ give me their names, if you don't want to do that I guess we can put you in the same class as him.

All this back and forth isn`t good for the forum but as long as you keep calling me a liar I`m going to keep coming back to set you straight.

Since you so flagrantly exposed Rich Hoffman as one person you`ve spoken with regarding saw mods, are you denying that you asked him to send you a Dan Henry 7900 for you to evaluate? You sidestepped that admission when you mentioned Rich`s name. Rich is one person that you have tried to get a Dan Henry saw from.

How about when you PM`d Gypo asking him to send you the infamous Dan Henry 999 Efco, or are you denying this also?

These two names put the liars coat on you twice Dave, not at all on me. I`ve also heard others say that you`ve approached them regarding a "loan" of a saw modified by someone else, but until these guys tell me it`s ok to divulge their names I`m not going to. The fact is that I`ve supplied you with two names, so who`s the liar now?

How about this statement taken from an earlier post of yours, "The only other incident was at Tony's house when we compared Dans 372 to one that I had with me.", What exactly does compare mean?

It looks pretty clear to me that you are extremely interested in what the competition is doing, therefore it does not seem at all as if it`s outside the realm of likelyhood that you and Eric may be conspiring to procure another saw from Ed. Eric is definitely up to something the way that he has been repeatedly asking Ed for another saw, anything from a 346 to an 088 to cut firewood to heat his home,lol. Remember, whether you like it or not, you`re known by the company you keep.

I generally agree with the premise that once someone sells a saw, the new owner can do whatever they want with it, UNLESS there was an understanding in advance that the new owner would not tear it down. I wasn`t in on the conversation between Ed and Eric regarding Eric buying his 357, but I did know before Eric bought the 357 that Ed had this policy in place, therefore I believe Ed when he says that Eric agreed in advance not to tear it down. Whether or not Ed has any legal recourse I don`t know and I doubt Ed cares, but what I do know is that Eric was in that instance extremely unethical, unlike Rich Hoffman`s behavior when he refused to send you the Dan Henry saw.

We can keep going back and forth Dave if you can`t admit your actions, or atleast stop wrongfully calling me a liar. You might be surprised at what kind of info I can come up with in defense of myself. I didn`t start by calling YOU a liar but it looks like you want me to expose every misstep of yours to defend my credibilty and opinions. Have it any way you want. Oh, BTW, you can send me the phone numbers of all of your character witnesses, I`d like to talk to them.

This forum is being ruined by liars being allowed to run rampant.

"All this back and forth isn`t good for the forum but as long as you keep calling me a liar I`m going to keep coming back to set you straight."

Russ, I agree this thread is no good for the site. Perhaps it's time to lock or delete and then take the discourse to a private venue. John
I realize you guys want drama, but I will keep an eye on this thread and will ask the moderators to not let this bantering go too far. I'm kind of shocked that what started as a nice thread has turned into this.
Mrs. Arboristsite,
I agree with you on that, but I think Its Plain to see Russ has backed up what he said and Russ is No Liar. If anything Russ has just solidified his credability that much more.Those accusing him of this cant say the same.
When I talked to Rich Hoffman about a 7900 it was after Johns get together a year ago. We were discussing the fact that Erics 7900 was outcut by a stock one, the saw was sent home with me at that time to see if I could improve it. I changed the port timing and the saw is now very fast, I talked to Rich about doing the same thing to his. I can't see why I would like to look at another one just to get a look at the inside, when I already had one apart.
In talking to John I had heard that he was not all that happy with his 999, when I talked to him I explained that I had built 6 of the 999s for Tilton Equipment and they all ran very well. I told him that if he wanted to send me the saw I would see what if anything could be done to improve it, if my memory serves me I think I told him I would do it for no charge.
As for comparing Dans 372 and mine at Tonys we were comparing them and a bunch of other saws much the same way saws are compared at the get togethers. We did not take any saws apart, all we did was run the same bars and chain on them both and as I said they were very comparable.
I am waiting for Rich Hoffman to return a phone call so we can straighten this mess out.

I don't know anything about Eric wanting to buy a saw from Ed other than what has been on the arboristsite.
Keep up the good work, boys! Getting to the truth is always fun! LOL
If half the peaple were the men they say they are we wouldnt have a thread like this! Fes up if you build clubs you build clubs and if you build race saws your a better man than the guy building clubs LOL
Let's just talk about bar oil. I happen to like the Stihl anyone else use it. :cry:
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