Even 18" bar in hardwood with a 60 cc saw to me feels slow. A 60cc class will pull a 24" just fine but a 70 will do it better.
If better means making a cut faster with the bar buried... I won't argue. But I will question whether-or-not it's worth the added cost, noise, fuel/oil consumption and especially weight for the average firewood hack. I routinely run a 20 inch bar on my 50cc saw, I've also owned and used 60cc, 70cc, and even larger saws with a 20 inch bar... I don't recall them being
that much faster in the cut. If I was cutting big wood hour-after-hour, day-after-day, I'd look at it differently. Typically my 16 inch bar handles the vast majority of the cuttin', even the vast majority of a big tree. And then, the time spent with the 20 inch bar completely buried is relatively small... that (completely buried bar) time would be even less with a 24 inch.
I'm only questioning the rationalization of a larger, noisier, more costly, and especially heaver saw for the firewood hack. Don't misunderstand me... if a fella' just wants one I won't criticize. But don't try rationalizing it to me, I'll just laugh at ya'. I mean, c'mon, I'm a guy also... I've got "stuff" simply because I wanted it. Heck, I've bought stuff I ain't never used just because I wanted it (b'sides, it looks cool mounted on the bench, sittin' on the shelf, or hangin' on the wall

). I bought a ShopSmith... I've never taken it out'a the drill press mode. I bought a tire changer... I've used it a couple of times, but I got by with a pair of tire spoons before. I asked for a scroll saw for Christmas a couple years back... it's still in the box. I bought a sheet metal brake some number of years ago just because I thought I should have one... didn't even bother to assemble it until I built the "stovace". I bought a new pressure washer two years ago... not sure why, now I have two. Just last weekend I found a sawzall in the back of a cupboard out in the shop, still in the box, never used... I thought I had three, not four. I almost bought a bulldozer last summer... thank the lord my wife was there to slap me. The list is never-ending...
He who dies with the most toys wins... I get that... just don't expect me to believe it's something else... save that for the wife.