Duke Thieroff
Fill your hands, you SOB!
A couple more:
Dave looked tired, as it must have been a lot of work putting this great show together.
Dude, did you fly home?
A couple more:
Dave looked tired, as it must have been a lot of work putting this great show together.
Great GTG, thanks to all, food was great, the saws were ok too. Good to meet you all.
Dude, did you fly home?
Lol no, I took an old friend out to dinner in the Youngstown area, and I am now hanging out at a Super 8 with nothing better to do than post pictures on AS. I am not one to drive at night, so I will head home first thing in the AM.
Im sorry I missed it,had to work.:msp_sad: Pics look great.![]()
Yep I was tired,but I enjoyed every minute of it. I really want to thank Andy for getting all those gifts from the sponsors. Thanks J.Walker for the grab bags.I also want to thank everyone that brought food. I want to thank my good neighbor Billy who is a member here for taking all those cookies,for his Outdoor boiler. He also supplied the skid loader to move logs. Andy thanks for bringing the
Super Split,lots of people enjoyed that. Buzz has a wonderful collection of old saws,it was like going to a museum. There were over 100 saws there and I counted at least 45 people. I may have missed some,because some left before I counted and some came latter. I really enjoyed that Mac Super Pro Buzz brought,that brought back memories,Great saw Buzz.
My daughters made the cake. At first it was going to be a Stihl cake,which I had no problem with. Then they asked me for a saw to use as a model,so I gave them my new 5105. So it became a Dolmar cake.but once it was cut up it "Stihl" tasted good.
I see from his post that my nephew Tim joined AS under the name Redbone 169,I really would like to ban him. We put every ones name in a bowl and pulled out names to give away gifts. My dear nephew put an extra name in "Stew Pidaso" There I am calling names and no one would answer for Stew. Folks started laughing,say Stew Pidaso real fast as one word and you will see why. Tim's a great guy and has a great sense of humor.Everyone got a gift,that was great,there was literally over $400.00 in gifts. Mike brought some straw,thanks.
I hope I covered everyone,but if I forgot someone I am sorry. But I want to thank all that came,every one that came were great people. With out all of you coming it would not have happened,you made it happen,thanks to all. I did not know yesterday but Happy birthday to Buzz Sawyer.
...and to Metalspec see ya the 2nd Tue of next month but don't yell at me this time :msp_w00t: