Man of $tihl
ArboristSite Operative
I guess I could have some pine milled up. 8x8's? or bigger?
8x8 would be fine. got a couple chains i'd like to try out
I guess I could have some pine milled up. 8x8's? or bigger?
8x8 would be fine. got a couple chains i'd like to try out![]()
So, when is the date of this event????
March 12th
The address is Possum Hollow road Wampum Pa. 16157 If you need the house # or phone #,I will Pm them to you. Possum Hollow road is only about 3 miles long and I will have signs up. For cutting cookies I am going to bring in a bunch of 10 to 12 inch sassafras from my woods. Should be plenty to cut. I already have cherry down so I will put it by the splitters if you want to try it. I believe we will have a super split and I will have my split fire.If anyone wants to bring a different brand you are welcome too. I am not trying to get others to split my wood,you are welcome to bring your own if you want. Just trying to give you a chance to try different splitters. Also I believe lots of different saws will be here for you to try.
I am not planning on being fancy with the food,probably Hot Dogs and a couple of side dishes. You are welcome to bring pot luck. I will have lots of soda and coffee.
Gotcha. I will try to get a hold of him this weekend. We have a ton of pine at the shop.
I need to see if he can mill and carve some pruner poles anyways. Hopefully we have some ash laying around for that.
Hey Wampum, what do you think about asking a few sponsors for some swag to give away? I know that Baileys has given away some stuff away at previous GTGs.
Not looking good for logs. I haven't been paying attention to the log yard at work and checked it out today. All the pine is gone except a few really dead ones. Nothing left but the big nasties, like 40" oaks, cotton woods and such.
We still have a few weeks to go, so something may pop up. Do we have something we can mount these cants on if I'm able to produce a few?
Hey Wampum, what do you think about asking a few sponsors for some swag to give away? I know that Baileys has given away some stuff away at previous GTGs.
Thats fine with me,if you have the connections go for it. How would you do it,like a raffle?
ill see what i can do boys, im about 45 mins N.E. of pittsburgh..not sure what my work schedule will be..the new job REALLY frowns upon days off.. (work for rosebud mining) so ill see what turns up..maybe a long weekend if im lucky.. lol