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If you don't like it here then why post ? I mean your making it hard on yourself now . I mean and what are you doing to contribute ?

I have been interrupted by lovstrom in several post namely on in which I advised a homeowner to hire a professional to take down a oak with a broken top.. He advised me that I should not give advice in a attempt to belittle me and make himself feel better. Please lovstrom tell me how my advice was poor / dangerous to that homeowner and how your quib was a contribution to the forum and sound advice to the homeowner. not only do you not contribute but you devalue the contributions of others.\

"Although I do not know why you chose me to blame, I don't mind at all. But this post take's all the blame off me with what you just said with this post.
Ban me, because I am gonna tell you that this is a professional tree guy site and if you do not know how to come here and introduce yourself and act respectful and can take a little ribbing, get to know us, and RELAX,,,, then get the hell out!
Jeff "

I can take plenty of ribbing, obviously I titled my post regarding the poulan to allow a bit of playful ribbing to be taken but a select few ppl decide to make it a personal attack. I have been reading this forum for awhile now and see alot of guys here that good ppl and informative to boot. You are not one of them. Despite your high number of post. They are either empty of devoid of usefull information or derogatory and rude. You are neither a tree cutter, a tree service owner, you seem to have nothing technical to contribute and are a source of negativity. As my understand of the site rules I have received with my infraction, you should be banned and asked to get out.
Meth is big in the south ? I thought it was all those Midwest states and out on the other coast line !

Lots of crack heads here, I have cleaned up behind one company (there unfinished job) That left beer cans the customer's yard. They drank beer as they worked. Same company employes (last year) got in a fist fight with each other in a customers front yard. Wish i would have seen that, a good friend of mine was landscapeing across the street and saw the whole thing.
The sooner you learn not much around here is that helpful the better of youll be. The guys you are all bent out of shape have thousands of posts and thousands of jobs behind them, the days of talking about the best starter chipper or poo yawns as good saws are long gone. Just chill out a bit ,put a few pics up now and then and insult the previous post. ..thats what I do.
Oh and cut out the cryptic crap, its treeguys forum. Keep it simple please,now run along little squirrel.

Your right, I forget that what type of quality man the average tree man is. I just expected more since everyone here had the drive at one time no matter how long ago to do research and better themselves in the industry as I am now.
.. but I am talking about jeff lovstrom.. I quick scroll through his recent posts will reveal that he does not actually post anything helpful.. he only bullies and belittles yet no moderator takes action

Do you know me?
There is no way to do a quick scroll on me fairly.
BTW, the fact that I have never been banned should tell you that we are a cool group of guy's and we don't complain about moderation..
Last thing, If you forget to bring your 'man-suit' to commercial, go home.
Cleared a bunch of under growth, spread chips over the whole area and finished up today planting 5 trees.

Do you know me?
There is no way to do a quick scroll on me fairly.
BTW, the fact that I have never been banned should tell you that we are a cool group of guy's and we don't complain about moderation..
Last thing, If you forget to bring your 'man-suit' to commercial, go home.

I am always in my man suit. What do tree service secretaries like yourself wear?
You came to 101 where I have confined my posts. I came to your house. Most every thread on 101 has you dropping in to belittle someone. I am not even so personally offended for anything said to myself personally as I am by the general hostile environment that in my short time visiting the site seems to emanate principally from yourself.
Cleared a bunch of under growth, spread chips over the whole area and finished up today planting 5 trees.


Do you offer a guarantee on planting? It seems to be the norm here and although I have been asked to give a quote I just don't bother because I don't want to risk biting a bullet later.
Do you offer a guarantee on planting? It seems to be the norm here and although I have been asked to give a quote I just don't bother because I don't want to risk biting a bullet later.

If they want a guarantee, i just charge more to cover the cost of another tree if it dies. But i only buy trees from good reputital places.
Send me and keep him,,, maybe he will learn something.

You just gotta luv a guy willing to be the sacrificial lamb in the herd (flock?) of sheep that attack the wolf!
Offering to take a hit for the team is very noble Mr. Jeff. The shepherd should at least give you the key to the beer fridge.
Do you offer a guarantee on planting? It seems to be the norm here and although I have been asked to give a quote I just don't bother because I don't want to risk biting a bullet later.

When we install trees or plants we offer NO guarantee. The trees or plants are healthy when installed and it is the customers job to make sure that they get wattered, the nighbors dog does not piss on them every day and the deer dont eat them.
I am always in my man suit. What do tree service secretaries like yourself wear?
You came to 101 where I have confined my posts. I came to your house. Most every thread on 101 has you dropping in to belittle someone. I am not even so personally offended for anything said to myself personally as I am by the general hostile environment that in my short time visiting the site seems to emanate principally from yourself.

Sounds like you got a crush on me! :sweet_kiss:
I understand what you are saying.. but I am talking about jeff lovstrom.. I quick scroll through his recent posts will reveal that he does not actually post anything helpful.. he only bullies and belittles yet no moderator takes action for whatever reason.

I once heard a saying. The wolf came in night and took the mother sheep's young. The next morning the shepherd came, saw the mother sheep and knew not what had happened the night before. The wolf came shortly after the shepherd and was immediately charged by the sheep. The shepherd only saw the sheep attack and cast her away from herd.

I tried asking you to stay in 101. It didn't work because you didn't listen. What you're doing is complaining about site moderation and you're stirring up trouble when there's absolutely no reason to.
Second day I did significant climbing since my shoulder and thumb injuries around 6 weeks ago. Four hrs, three pines (around 120, 100, and 60 ft. tall). I climbed nearly to the top of each to remove suspect branches. My climber got the other seven (in a half day!). There is a beetle outbreak going on, and I am proposing to the client that the sanitizing may head off infestation. Now I have to look through a big pile of tagged limbs and ID what I have; probably will include shoot moth, wood borers, branch canker, pitch moth, black pine leaf scale -- and perhaps the dreaded California Five-Spined Ips.

Then again, if I find these, I will propose a penetrating bark spray systemic, applied for 10 ft. of trunk at the base of the live crown from a back pack sprayer. Yes, I have done this -- and it is a pain! Helped to mess up my shoulder, when I applied two tanks (6 gal) after several days topping a big residential pine at about 70 ft. where it was 22 in. in diameter.


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