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Second day I did significant climbing since my shoulder and thumb injuries around 6 weeks ago. Four hrs, three pines (around 120, 100, and 60 ft. tall). I climbed nearly to the top of each to remove suspect branches. My climber got the other seven (in a half day!). There is a beetle outbreak going on, and I am proposing to the client that the sanitizing may head off infestation. Now I have to look through a big pile of tagged limbs and ID what I have; probably will include shoot moth, wood borers, branch canker, pitch moth, black pine leaf scale -- and perhaps the dreaded California Five-Spined Ips.

Then again, if I find these, I will propose a penetrating bark spray systemic, applied for 10 ft. of trunk at the base of the live crown from a back pack sprayer. Yes, I have done this -- and it is a pain! Helped to mess up my shoulder, when I applied two tanks (6 gal) after several days topping a big residential pine at about 70 ft. where it was 22 in. in diameter.


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Ponderosa pine right? Those trees and white pines are going down all over seattle.Never heard of the backpackspray remedy, what is it and do you have any real experience with it working. Seems like something to contract out to a spray service imo.backpacksprayers are for landscapers sprayinground up . Talked to a bcma and he basically said let em rip, they don't have much biz in a urban forrest to begin with. What say you?
I have been interrupted by lovstrom in several post namely on in which I advised a homeowner to hire a professional to take down a oak with a broken top.. He advised me that I should not give advice in a attempt to belittle me and make himself feel better. Please lovstrom tell me how my advice was poor / dangerous to that homeowner and how your quib was a contribution to the forum and sound advice to the homeowner. not only do you not contribute but you devalue the contributions of others.\

"Although I do not know why you chose me to blame, I don't mind at all. But this post take's all the blame off me with what you just said with this post.
Ban me, because I am gonna tell you that this is a professional tree guy site and if you do not know how to come here and introduce yourself and act respectful and can take a little ribbing, get to know us, and RELAX,,,, then get the hell out!
Jeff "

I can take plenty of ribbing, obviously I titled my post regarding the poulan to allow a bit of playful ribbing to be taken but a select few ppl decide to make it a personal attack. I have been reading this forum for awhile now and see alot of guys here that good ppl and informative to boot. You are not one of them. Despite your high number of post. They are either empty of devoid of usefull information or derogatory and rude. You are neither a tree cutter, a tree service owner, you seem to have nothing technical to contribute and are a source of negativity. As my understand of the site rules I have received with my infraction, you should be banned and asked to get out.

There really is no real meaning in anything that was ever said, there is no real meaning in the universe until we, as humans, make it mean something. Usually we make it mean something that we want or even make it mean something we feel. Whether is postive or negative depends on the indivual. When a negative comment is made to a person that person chooses , by his own right, whether to allow the comment to have meaning. It didn't mean anything until you, me and them made it have meaning. Remember this parable:
Sticks and stones can break my bones and anyone who don't like me can just go right ahead and suck my ####.
Also remember that you are special, you are the only one of you and you live in a world of other people exactly like you.
Also : Poulans are like mopeds, they are fun to ride but you don't want to let yer friends see you do it.

And of course there is this:

Katy Perry - Firework - YouTube
Now take all of this ( and yer little Poulan too), go back to 101 and have a great day!
Ponderosa pine right? Those trees and white pines are going down all over seattle.Never heard of the backpackspray remedy, what is it and do you have any real experience with it working. Seems like something to contract out to a spray service imo.backpacksprayers are for landscapers sprayinground up . Talked to a bcma and he basically said let em rip, they don't have much biz in a urban forrest to begin with. What say you?

I have five service areas: insect and disease diagnosis and treatment, risk assessment, tree pruning and removal, forestry, and appraisals. Not the most profitable business model, i have discovered, but that is gradually getting better.

(The below is for advice to licensed applicators only)

About the chemical app:

There is one compound (in addition to carbaryl sprays like Sevin) that I am familiar with that will treat bark beetles, wood borers, shoot moth, and the like in pine: Safari. It is a neonictinoid insecticide that is mixed with water and a bark penetrant (Pentrabark) for systemic application by spraying on the bark. The label says to apply it to the lower 8 ft. of trunk, but in a big pine, I figured that much of the product would not effectively reach the top unless I climbed the tree. I have applied it both ways to big ponderossa pines, and will be seeing results.

The central problem with treating bark beetles is that they also carry a pathogenic fungus that blocks up the sapwood; therefore, unless you treat the tree for beetle before they get there or are only there in small numbers, or also treat the fungus, the fungal infection may kill the tree (or at least the top) before the tree can wall off the invading fungus.

The only fungicide I have used is Shepherd, applied with a microinjector; it is a pain to use on conifers, because you have to pound in a fragile ($35) needle without bending it, inject the tree, and repeat many times, because only 1 ml is injected at a time. The recommended dose for various diseases is once every 4 in. of circumference -- and again, I believe that big trees are off the chart, and one would have to circle the trunk several times in the live crown to have much effect, and again, only before significant amounts of the sapwood have been occluded or it won't translocate. So far, I have only used Shepherd on smaller hardwoods (and a few big ones) with my micro-injector at the base of the tree.
I have five service areas: insect and disease diagnosis and treatment, risk assessment, tree pruning and removal, forestry, and appraisals. Not the most profitable business model, i have discovered, but that is gradually getting better.

(The below is for advice to licensed applicators only)

About the chemical app:

There is one compound (in addition to carbaryl sprays like Sevin) that I am familiar with that will treat bark beetles, wood borers, shoot moth, and the like in pine: Safari. It is a neonictinoid insecticide that is mixed with water and a bark penetrant (Pentrabark) for systemic application by spraying on the bark. The label says to apply it to the lower 8 ft. of trunk, but in a big pine, I figured that much of the product would not effectively reach the top unless I climbed the tree. I have applied it both ways to big ponderossa pines, and will be seeing results.

The central problem with treating bark beetles is that they also carry a pathogenic fungus that blocks up the sapwood; therefore, unless you treat the tree for beetle before they get there or are only there in small numbers, or also treat the fungus, the fungal infection may kill the tree (or at least the top) before the tree can wall off the invading fungus.

The only fungicide I have used is Shepherd, applied with a microinjector; it is a pain to use on conifers, because you have to pound in a fragile ($35) needle without bending it, inject the tree, and repeat many times, because only 1 ml is injected at a time. The recommended dose for various diseases is once every 4 in. of circumference -- and again, I believe that big trees are off the chart, and one would have to circle the trunk several times in the live crown to have much effect, and again, only before significant amounts of the sapwood have been occluded or it won't translocate. So far, I have only used Shepherd on smaller hardwoods (and a few big ones) with my micro-injector at the base of the tree.

Pics in that big pine I am attempting to save from Five-Spined Ips infestation:

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I see your trucks every now and then in the San Fernando Valley, quite a few times at my local dump in Granada Hills. You guys only do commercial, right?

Hi Mike, I am Op's in San Diego county, we only do commercial here. I think the LA guy's do certain residential jobs, but we all four branches run things the way they work for us. Residential in so-cal is not the way to go here for us. But then again,, if it's the right job, we will do it.
My echo 330 with a muffler mod out cuts my new 201T in stock form. I have used echo top handles all my life and the only complaint I have had is their under powered. The new 355 seems to have addressed that problem. I admit the echos I have had don't last as long as the 200T of old, but still only cost a 1/3, and you can easily get parts for them. Unlike Stihl who make it impossible to get parts except from a dealer.
Sorry you got here when the weather changed sgreanbeans, It's been kind of chilly in the mornings with that cold front that came in. I had to ware a jacket to work yesterday morning.:msp_biggrin:

Hmm my experience just opposite first climb saw for my biz echo lasted two year until groundy left on back of trailer and it was missing when home. Ms 200t wouldnt start less than 3 mths from new last stihl I ever buy.
Well I climbed out 2 red oaks this morning , and I am fully paying for it with my hand being as sore as the day I was sitting in the ER
Are you done with that sapling, or are you just looking for sympathy?

Sapling ? The pair were 80 fters why cause I only had 2 cuts to drop the top left , whatever man , at least I worked through it , a lot of guys wouldn't even try to climb if they can barely start a saw with a mashed hand .
Sapling ? The pair were 80 fters why cause I only had 2 cuts to drop the top left , whatever man , at least I worked through it , a lot of guys wouldn't even try to climb if they can barely start a saw with a mashed hand .

You sir, you know how to use a 'comma',, hat's off to you!
had a squirrel try to commit suicide the other day it popped out of a hole in a piece we picked with the crane I seen it freakin so I tried to get the piece down quick before it jumped but it tried to leap for the boom and well missed and flew right at me I thought about trying to catch it but I chickened out and let it hit, about 70', thing hit laid on its side for a min started pushing with one leg spinning in circles got up and ran off, tough little bastards

god I work with a bunch of sissys as soon as anybody sees one little drop of blood its like you lost a leg and god forbid you get a scratch on your face it almost sets off a panic

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