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I am using the 338 huskies now and love them , and Ben nooooo that's not a fishing net , it's a pole and a loop in my lanyard , I could see how a fishing net in a tree would seem logical :hmm3grin2orange:
So you mean to say you climb a sissy tree or two, when you feel frisky? Sounds about right.

Well if I stop climbing for too long then I will suck like you ! And that's unexceptable . So I just thought that yesterday would be a good skills honing day , and BTW I did both in under 2 hours , not 3 days a piece LOL
Just fired up my complementary rental Camry. My god, I can't wait for my new truck. This thing is taking all the fun out of driving!! Its actually so lame, that I'm considering getting the supercharger option on the new truck. Lol.
How's the hand?

Better today , I just feel like I am not getting anywhere quickly ! It's been 3 weeks and yesterday just kinda sucked bad . My wife made me few some drinks last nite at our friends house to ease the pain but this getting old #### is not fun . Thanks for asking by the way .
Just fired up my complementary rental Camry. My god, I can't wait for my new truck. This thing is taking all the fun out of driving!! Its actually so lame, that I'm considering getting the supercharger option on the new truck. Lol.

I was looking at toyotas the other day since a lot of guys around swear by them , they are badass man , a bit high priced but they seem kinda worth it , I have to replace jens car first , it's a graduation present and I think I will just run her car til it blows up , are you getting the new truck that Kelly green ?
I was looking at toyotas the other day since a lot of guys around swear by them , they are badass man , a bit high priced but they seem kinda worth it , I have to replace jens car first , it's a graduation present and I think I will just run her car til it blows up , are you getting the new truck that Kelly green ?

There's only one green they offer, it's called "spruce mica", or something. It'll have to do. I think I'm gonna call about the supercharger tomorrow. It's supposed to add 60 extra horse, and 52 lb. -ft. of torque. I think it's like $4500 though. Then I wanna swap out the BFG all terrains for the MT's. Still only puts me @ like 22k with the recall dealio.. not horrible.
sup fellas
Well, getting to know the level of skill of my crews, got some work to do.............
Ordered bout 8 grand in saws, btw Jeff, thanks for the hook up, seems we already had a account there, so I am picking up 4 355's Monday.........wheres ur shop? Guys are still kinda trippin on me, never seen a boss man who will jump in with them, went out yesterday and hit all crews with a visit and some cold Gatorade, worked with each one fur bout 2 hours then moved on. Had 1 job at a gay guy couples house, holy crap, dudes are loaded and had one of the baddest houses I have seen yet, so what Danno said a few years ago is right, they have money...and home decorating skills,lol. Bound by some pretty lame corporate rules, so things I want to get them, gotta go thru safety first, as in SRT, not allowed......yet, working on that, seems the only way to really be safe when workin the palms with out gaffin them. Safety boss man coming in from corp in 2 wks to meet me, going to bring that up and hope fully sell it. This place is no different than Iowa in the regards of client education, seems topping is worse here than there. Every things grows back here, so it is common practice as we look at alot of restoration work. CARB sucks! Got some nice iron that we have to send to auction because of its age....lame. Still driving a Focus, the one thing my predecessor WAS right about is the gas mileage, still hard to take myself seriously in that thing, peeps don't expect a tree guy to get out of one of those. Middle son is on the team now, guys are tripping on his work ethic, all go no stop, setting the example at 18, proud papa.
So there's my ketchup! Going in today to let folks come get some wood, want it out of my yard and going to work on my 8 1/2 x 11 mountain and work on the new SOP, go see my new house and then to the beach with the family, ya'll take care and stay safe
Toyota has their act together. I drive a 2012 Tundra 4x4. I love it.

Yeah they do!!

And if I go supercharger, that'll put me @ 336 hp. (with a six speed manual). That means I could probably blow your doors off, old man. Just sayin'. :)

In all seriousness, it seems like just the perfect little treat to myself, considering all the years of sufferage..
Yeah they do!!

And if I go supercharger, that'll put me @ 336 hp. (with a six speed manual). That means I could probably blow your doors off, old man. Just sayin'. :)

In all seriousness, it seems like just the perfect little treat to myself, considering all the years of sufferage..

I have 381hp, 6 speed automatic.
I have 381hp, 6 speed automatic.

Power to weight, baby!! Wanna go for pinks??

Took out that tree growing out of the deck yesterday. At least a six hour climb, super technical, super tight spot. Haven't done that in a while. I have to say, I still got it.. maybe not in my 20's anymore, but I still got it. I'm just a little slower, and more grumbly and deliberate about things, is all. Lol. I guess the guy's got to get even for me ditching on them to go #### off the other day.
I guess I got payed back for all the cali weather jokes. Worked up in"" Valley of Enchantment'', doing some trees at a school. It was a little overcast down here in the IE, but when myself and another climber started up that long winding mountain road to Crestline, it got really cold and foggy. I somehow missed my turn of in the dence fog and ended up an hour late(I'm never late)
I brought some warm clothes, but not warm enough. It was freezing up there, with heavy mist. While up in the top of an Oak removing mistletoe and dead wood, a localized storm sweeped though, bringing high winds, drizzle, even colder air. I felt like a bullrider for a while up there as me and my friend rode it out in those skinny(but strong)Oak branches.
The Guy from ,''Arborworks'', is a old friend and I really wanted to finish up that leg of the job so he could bill, so we worked right through lunch. It was getting dark up there around 3:30, when we finished the last tree.
I took this young hot shot climber, Chris up there with me, He's a production master, worked 8 years at WCA. He did two trees to my one,(maybe three, but who's counting) I had to take a lot of teasing and old man jokes, but that's .O.K.(I can give as good as I get)
Working with a bunch of people you like can take the sting out of the weather some. Got half way down the mountain and the sky opened up, you could see the sun, it was like we were returning from another dimension or something.
Competed in our national SAR (search and rescue) games yesterday and our team won. Was nice bringing home the gold.:)

Going to wash the chipper truck today, clean & service the saws and hopefully do a couple of quotes. Then spend time with the kids cleaning up up the leaves.

It's a nice day out. Not Cali nice, but I'll take it for Ontario at this time of year.
Hey beans, glad everything is going good. I was thinking of ya last week, I was watching karate kid and checking out the trees and stuff. Did you buy a house already?
Toyota has their act together. I drive a 2012 Tundra 4x4. I love it.

They don't make anything bigger than a 1500 tho do they or offer diesel? I know there 1500 type is pretty good because pretty much all of my friends drive them but seems kind of limited. They work in an office and use them to pull a quad or go fishing on the weekend, i don't know what i could do with that kind of payload. Every time i buy a truck i think of what kind of a return i can get out of it, or how is it gonna make my life easier. My chevy 3500 has served me well but even it being a one ton is kind of limited you can only pull some bobcats and chippers with it nothing really big. 2000 pounds in the bed is overloaded, if i where to get another pickup i think id get a dodge 5500 with just a flat bed on it since chevy doesn't make them anymore.

Since we buy diesel in bulk at sometimes its cheaper than gasoline the last time i bought it was a few months ago and was around 3.70$ i think gas is more than that now but haven't been to a pump for other than chew in years. I keep a few large empty tanks around for when the price drops so i can ride out the high $ times and buy when i think it has fell significantly. Im kind of surprised more guys don't do this the guys we use will deliver as little as 500 gallons. which over that tank saves you a crap load probably 500$ overtime you use it instead of the pump. Think if you have to go out of the way to get it in the morning or pay people to get it how much $$ and time you save.

I think most of the tanks where provided by the diesel provider we lease them or something from them. Some of them i traded some work for.

On a final not I'm sure they are a good truck just looking for a better understanding of what you guys do with them. Bid jobs or actually use them to move equipment. I would love to be able to get away with a smaller pickup 6 tires on everything i have is a pain in the ass. If you guys are just running around in them you should get a hybrid, Jeff's is probably plugged in now. A 250xp bandit was killing the transmission in a 2500 dodge i had had to take it in 4 times in 2 years the last time i just traded it in and went bigger.
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Toyota has their act together. I drive a 2012 Tundra 4x4. I love it.

I still love my 2003 Tundra. It has had a really hard life, but is like a Timex watch.
Make sure you don't let the rear diff cover get too rusty (not bolted on, or removable), and don't slap the gearshift lever too hard when shifting, cause mine snapped off, which was kinda exciting!

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