Most of ours are good however there are the token dbags. Just like there are the token dbag inconvinced homeowners. We block lots of roads and lots of driveways we try and get cars moved out of drives blocked by crane and bucket but if only the chipper truck is blocking we dont try to hard on moving those cars. I don't mind the ones who say hey I gotta leave in 10 mins or are nice about things but the ones who are all you f'ers are blocking me what are u gonna do about it I start being a **** right back. My fav is when the ******* drive through or I should say over my cones at the end of the block across the road and demand I move the trucks blocking the road. Really now do u think I'm really going to listen to u? I really pissed this one guy off good I just picked up my out riggers on the crane there was plenty of room to drive a car through but we were still working so I try to turn the guy around since he came through the cones
he's all I can make it i know I can I told him I don't think your gonna he starts rolling I'm like hold on a sec so I put my out riggers back out half way, he really liked that. oh did the go fukurselves start coming out. Then there's the you should notify us people... i have a contract with your town i remove 200+ trees a year from your town what am i going to do send a letter to every single person? Hell your cable guy can come inside our cones and park in front of your house to do there work you are not even close to our work this one chick came cursing me out because she had contractors coming, I'm like ok?? Well how can they get to my house? My response "just like your dumb ass did when u ran over my cone, is it still under your car?" Now we are getting the you are butchering my tree people.. best is when I've only removed dead wood from it. I'm like people I'm not getting paid to over trim your parkway tree I get paid to make sure there is no big dead wood and raise it over the street and sidewalk then clear street lights nothing more I assure u I want to do as little work as possible
I need a good retard to yell at, hope I get one tomorrow.
LOL,,you would never make it here in San Diego like that.
Must be nice to bully the people like that tho, right?