whadja do today?

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You probably have experience that totals less than 20 hours in your lifetime. I likely have as much or more full time professional tree experience than anyone on the face of the earth....and you have no problem telling me I am wrong. This is why there is a 101 section.
I suggest a forum for those of us with many years in the biz because this forum is now a joke.
It was a beautiful day!
Didn't witness it but likely there was some reason for "the hate".
can't really describe it as hate as much as I would describe it as a mosquito buzzing around looking for attention. Talks the talk biut then backs it up by telling us he climbed a tree once or posting crap as if he's in the know.


I'd love to see this kid in action. Climbed a tree up to 75'? I was doing that at 10 with a bunch of friends that used to race each other to the top of the tree. Free climbing, no ropes, harnesses, straps, parents. nothing.

climbed 75'. with a running saw? topped the tree? rigged it down?

go to bed kid. you have school in the morning.


Based on the comments those are the Guilty of Treeson guys from youtube.

I've probably done 40-50 crane jobs in my life, much less than some of you guys. I can't imagine what it would be like to tip one over...Horrible... We have one with a quite a long reach coming up. We COULD do it with a 55 ton we usually use but it would be iffy. We priced it high enough for their 115 ton, which will be the largest crane I've ever used.

Today we transplanted a cherry tree at the Bath National Cemetery. The guys love making prevailing wages.