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I will say one thing that company(dawson's) keeps there trucks well kept all there s**t looks spit shined daily I wouldn't forsee any problems with a truck bought from them, there pretty big around these parts down south of you, matt.

I was gonna ask you about em, figured they were your nieghbors.
Looks like a sweet truck! Im having a real hard time decideing between a forestry package or rearmount. If I found something I really loved I could go low 30's. Why are rear mounts more money?
Looks like a sweet truck! Im having a real hard time decideing between a forestry package or rearmount. If I found something I really loved I could go low 30's. Why are rear mounts more money?

Much (much) more desirable for a real treeman. Forestry pkgs are essentially for line clearance crews.
Im looking for the best set up. I would have my chipper&chipper truck and the bucket could pull the dump trailer and mini. That would only require two drivers and I could unload the mini then unhook the trailer if need be. Or load the mini on the bed of the bucket if there's room. Just thinking of getting the equipment to the job site with the least amount of trucks. What do you guys think is the best set up
I got to read it lxt...

Yeah, I hope everyone got to read my responses!! I go on a recouperative vacation & come back to read BS & Lies, I actually felt bad in the fact I thought I said something outta line & felt the need to apologize ... I actually printed out some of that "bash" thread.....!!! the competition & bidding is just so wonderful in ole pittsburgh.......! nice to be back home & doing fairly well!!...

It was the right thing for the management here to delete the thread, I had hoped it would cut down the trash talk in this thread, among others, but it just added more, a lot of it mine. Sorry to hear of you illness lxt, and I never knew you are ex-law enforcement. I have the greatest respect for police officers, their job is more dangerous than ours.

I'm going to try something different. If, you or anyone else, wants to trash talk about me or with me take it to a PM. I'll respond in kind to those that I find interesting and worthy of a response. I will no longer respond to anything like that in the open forum.

A customer asked me if I was interested in doing some landscaping work for him. He had just paid me $1000 for the two cut dead tree I dropped for him. It took about 15 minutes to drop. He came out to watch, but my guys were already cutting it up when he got there. I told him that I didn't do landscaping but that my ground crew could do it for him as side work, so he should talk to them.

Giving JohnBoy a chance to step up and deal with a customer was my plan. He ended up bidding $500 to trim several various shrubs and one Chinese maple (which I trimmed) as well as spread mulch that the customer had delivered, plus prepare and plant a small plot of land for grass seeding. So I went to my Stihl dealer and bought a gas trimmer, an edger attachment for my pole saw and a big lopper. all in all I spent well over $500 to do a $500 job. John boy hired his 300 lb 6'5" buddy Denny as labor and yesterday in the 90 degree heat they went at it.

Even with the tractor to cultivate the plot for grass (using the stump grinder attachment) and to deliver the mulch around the yard it was way more labor intensive than either of us thought it would be. Even with my help they couldn't get it done yesterday so today was day two. My own day was running around doing evaluations so I left JohnBoy to finish the job. He used up all the mulch that the customer had delivered to his driveway (supposedly 14 yards) and the customer now has to order more. That means a third day on a $500 job.

I'm taking it in the shorts on this one, but the neighbor (who I did tree work for) wants us to do his yard, and the customer has a friend who wants us to do his yard, so there is landscape work out there for JohnBoy. I want to give him another option to tree work because climbing is so dangerous. The family would really be tee'd off at me if he got hurt working with me. Debi broke her ankle in our motorcycle wreck a year and a half ago and they still haven't forgiven me for that one.

Personally I'm going to stick with trees, but offering landscape services will be another profit center, once i can figure out how to make a profit at it.
Let me see what did I do.... Hummmm... I went to go help out Treeslayer in IL because good help is hard to come by down there. I should be down there all this week so it should be fun. So, watch out flatlanders this cheesehead is packing saws.
118 today with heat index, tomarrow the same. We are pulling up to tomarrows job at 630-7 and be done by 1.
Also today ...

What follows is my email conversation with a customer today. you have to read it from the bottom up for it to make sense (it's a cut and paste from my email) The point is that another bidder couldn't get his stumper up the rather seep back yard to get to the stump and I can with my Steiner. I still don't know if Rachel is going to go for the extra $300 but it shows a competitive advantage the the Steiner gives me over conventional stumpers. Enjoy:

Rachel ~

I can grind the stump but that is $300 extra. My price quote was with the stump left. I have a very specialized tractor with a stump grinder attached that can climb up your backyard hill to the Cherry tree and take it out. Here is a video of the tractor grinding out a big stump:

‪Stump Cutter‬‏ - YouTube

This weekend is a possibility, but the weather controls a difficult removal like yours. I'll be in touch as is draws nearer. Let me know your decision about having me grind out the stump.

~ Doug

On Jul 18, 2011, at 5:35 PM, Rachel |****l wrote:

HI Doug, I have just one question. The other guy we talked to said he
wouldn't be able to grind the stump because he wouldn't be able to get
the stump grinder up onto the hill. Is this true? Do you recommend
just leaving the stump?


On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 11:35 AM, |Aerial Arborist| wrote:
Rachel ~
Thanks for the work! I'd like to suggest that you rent a splitter for the
day we do the work, I'll have my men set it up for you and show you how to
use it. You'll have a much better idea of what it will take to turn your
Cherry tree into firewood and make an informed decision as to how much you
would like to keep and how much you would like me to haul away.
I can schedule you for weekend work if that would best suit you. Thanks
again for the work, I know it represents a vote of confidence in my skill
and ability to safely take down your tree. I will not disappoint.
~ Doug

On Jul 18, 2011, at 10:14 AM, Rachel |****| wrote:

Hi Doug,
Thank you for coming out to look at our tree on such short notice. We are
interested in having you cut down the tree and haul most of it away. We will
be joining Angie's List, so I understand our total would be $1600 cash.
When are you available to come out and start work? You mentioned it may take
more than one day. Most days are good for us, except this Thursday and
Friday when we will have a houseguest.
thank you,

Rachael and her fat soft husband think they are going to get their $1600 back by turning their big Cherry tree into cord wood. I'm giving him an opportunity to give it a try, but I think the experience will be a bit much for him and I'll be taking most of it home ~ to turn into cordwood. Whadya think, will the homeowner decide to keep it for splitting or cave in and have me haul it out?
. Why are rear mounts more money?
no idea, but I do know that the extra out riggers add on some dough.
Much (much) more desirable for a real treeman. Forestry pkgs are essentially for line clearance crews.
True, but Im leaning toward a forestry unit for those smaller quickie easy money jobs I can do myself.
Im looking for the best set up.---. Just thinking of getting the equipment to the job site with the least amount of trucks. What do you guys think is the best set up
Thats why my new chip truck, which I'm finally picking up tomorrow, has space between the cab and box for my mini. I didnt steal the idea from Arborpro, I just didnt build first.
Let me see what did I do.... Hummmm... I went to go help out Treeslayer in IL because good help is hard to come by down there. I should be down there all this week so it should be fun. So, watch out flatlanders this cheesehead is packing saws.

You better stop by and say hi. I wont be rolling out till 10 at the earliest, cuz I gotta get plates and insurance on the new guy. After that we'll prolly go till dark, got piles all over, and people callin .
Nice. I'll steal that idea and have no shame...lol.

I had that idea years ago. Just couldnt find the right truck for the $ I wanted to spend. Im always looking for ways to save a buck, ESPECIALLY when it comes to fuel costs. Im cheap as hell. Last year I was looking at Aspluhnd trucks, measuring the man cabs. I knew it would work, I just didnt want a gasser. Those things get such bad milage. One co I know has one, and they go thru a tank and a half a day! Thats a lotta gas for such a small bed.---PS, congrats on you 1000th post Biggy!
All goes well and I'll be picking up a stumper tomorrow in Cincinnati from treevet. That should be fun.

I laid low with the family and grandparents today in the AC at my dad's. I pulled a shop shift during the early morning hours. They fly out tomorrow for phoenix from indy....hope they can land when they get there. This may be their last trip home as they are getting too old to travel so we made it worth it.
Storm came through today with some heavy straight line winds I lost 3 quaking aspens no big loss and no damage. As I was driving by my neighbor's I saw he lost about a third of a chinese elm so I stopped and he said take it all down and he would clean it up, two hours work and I was done another neighbor has given me a large maple to do that one lead came out of and hit his deck so a pretty good day. I did stop by another blow down a large white pine that was on a roof a local builder was already cutting the tree and as I watched he says to his guy did you put oil in that saw the guy replies so there wasn't none and the builder replies well there must be oil in it or the chain wouldn't turn WTH? hacks at there best.:rock:
All goes well and I'll be picking up a stumper tomorrow in Cincinnati from treevet. That should be fun.

I was wondering if you were gonna get it. Was contemplating getting it myself. My mini has a lil trouble on hills pulling the 665. Did you know that you can pull apart the axles on those 630's, turn em around to go thru smaller gates? Check to see if there rusted in, and beat him up on the price if they are(JK-:laugh:-LOL!!!) I bet you could take that thing dang near anywhere with a mini. If you get stuck, just push/pull it out with the tounge.
So you're giving them a discount to join Angies List and give you a good review and make them pay cash too. Good job, maybe her fat soft husband would like to read this along with Angie herself? Oh yeah and Uncle S!

What follows is my email conversation with a customer today. you have to read it from the bottom up for it to make sense (it's a cut and paste from my email) The point is that another bidder couldn't get his stumper up the rather seep back yard to get to the stump and I can with my Steiner. I still don't know if Rachel is going to go for the extra $300 but it shows a competitive advantage the the Steiner gives me over conventional stumpers. Enjoy:

Rachel ~

I can grind the stump but that is $300 extra. My price quote was with the stump left. I have a very specialized tractor with a stump grinder attached that can climb up your backyard hill to the Cherry tree and take it out. Here is a video of the tractor grinding out a big stump:

‪Stump Cutter‬‏ - YouTube

This weekend is a possibility, but the weather controls a difficult removal like yours. I'll be in touch as is draws nearer. Let me know your decision about having me grind out the stump.

~ Doug

On Jul 18, 2011, at 5:35 PM, Rachel |****l wrote:

HI Doug, I have just one question. The other guy we talked to said he
wouldn't be able to grind the stump because he wouldn't be able to get
the stump grinder up onto the hill. Is this true? Do you recommend
just leaving the stump?


On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 11:35 AM, |Aerial Arborist| wrote:
Rachel ~
Thanks for the work! I'd like to suggest that you rent a splitter for the
day we do the work, I'll have my men set it up for you and show you how to
use it. You'll have a much better idea of what it will take to turn your
Cherry tree into firewood and make an informed decision as to how much you
would like to keep and how much you would like me to haul away.
I can schedule you for weekend work if that would best suit you. Thanks
again for the work, I know it represents a vote of confidence in my skill
and ability to safely take down your tree. I will not disappoint.
~ Doug

On Jul 18, 2011, at 10:14 AM, Rachel |****| wrote:

Hi Doug,
Thank you for coming out to look at our tree on such short notice. We are
interested in having you cut down the tree and haul most of it away. We will
be joining Angie's List, so I understand our total would be $1600 cash.
When are you available to come out and start work? You mentioned it may take
more than one day. Most days are good for us, except this Thursday and
Friday when we will have a houseguest.
thank you,

Rachael and her fat soft husband think they are going to get their $1600 back by turning their big Cherry tree into cord wood. I'm giving him an opportunity to give it a try, but I think the experience will be a bit much for him and I'll be taking most of it home ~ to turn into cordwood. Whadya think, will the homeowner decide to keep it for splitting or cave in and have me haul it out?
Prentice I'll do my best I am comming down with my pard so I am not sure what's going to happen today but I'll give you a shout during lunch or something. I know we are hitting it hard in the AM but the afternoon looks open.

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