Ordered three sets of idler wheels. Long over due on those.
Also asked about the pump, as a year ago I got a two stage pump as a replacement from Surplus Center, because they, Built-Rite, did not have one available. I always questioned pairing a two stage pump with a hydraulic motor.
I believe I was speaking with the owner today.
It is not a two stage pump, so I added a new pump to the order.
A bit of maintenance, and asking questions, goes a long ways.
The last photo shows the hand crank, since replaced with a hydraulic cylinder mounted on the axle beam.
That has restricted the overall height to about 10', but has been most helpful. However, over a period of weeks it does bleed down. I should add a means of pinning it in a stationary position. I've also meant to make the lower guards removable, for better access of the lower drum, to clear chips, bark or snow, which can throws belt tracking off. Presently, reversing the belt direction works 95% of the time, snow being the exception as it gets compressed to ice and bonds to the lower drum.
I bought this used, two years old, Feb. 26, 2010 for 5k. It has been a good conveyor.