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Awesome job on the guitar Bob!

Great thread. Tons of beautiful work here. This is a rocking cradle I built when my daughter was born last spring. It's made from Pacific Yew I had cut for longbows but that didn't make the grade. Since I had packed it out of a canyon on my back, it seemed a shame to not use it for something special. I milled the wood with an 8" jointer and a big bandsaw.
J. D.
I love the beautiful woodworrking, Iam concernd abiut the height of the sides, most of my kidds were about 75/25, 75% percent top heavy, arn,t all 6,mo olds little legs and huge tops,. sorry , I got of track,..just concernd about the baby,.
I does kinda look like if a toddler managed to climb or pull him/herself up to one of those corners and try and stand up, it might go over. The ends of the rockers do have that curved tip that makes it hard for the thing to do that. I built a rocking chair that called for a simple shallow knob at the very end of the curved rocker part, which surprisingly made it almost impossible to get the thing to go over backwards no matter how much you got it rocking and leaned back on it. However, this crib is on carpet, which would help absorb that, and thus it might just go over.
BTW absolutely beautiful guitar Bob... I envy you having the time to spend a week at that shop and build that thing. I'd love to do that. Take it to a show or to somebody who plays for a living, and let him/her have a go at it.
BTW absolutely beautiful guitar Bob... I envy you having the time to spend a week at that shop and build that thing. I'd love to do that. Take it to a show or to somebody who plays for a living, and let him/her have a go at it.
Any plans now to build another one from scratch at home in your shop now that you've attended a workshop like that? I know there would be more than just a few jigs to build, but nothing you couldn't handle if you took the time.
...Any long term attention to the finish? ...
Thanks for sharing the story and pictures. How many total hours of hands on work did it take you for this first one? Did the instructor say how many hours it would take him to make one? Any long term attention to the finish? Thanks again, great job!