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May 2, 2001
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I have been keeping my eye on the climber injury forum on here, and the awakenings forum on tr**buzz. This is really upsetting to me. What can we do to keep people from getting hurt and killed while performing tree work??? There are just too many dead people out there :(
This is a very good question. There are usually two causes of accidents... ignorance of how to do the task right, or knowing the safe way and ignoring it.

Raising awareness through education can help the first, but unfortunately the second is alot harder. You can train and issue safety gear all day long, but ultimately the indiviual has to choose to use that training and PPE. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but... well, you know.

With all the deaths and near misses, you would think nobody would be stupid enough to do things like not wear safety glasses, or stick body parts into a chipper infeed, but it still happens.

Maybe instead of just educating people that certain things CAN happen, we should illustrate more that they DO happen, quite often. More graphic (maybe even downright gory) pictures of people after they have been chipped, or with eyeballs seeping fluids would really drive the point home. I'd rather upset their stomachs and hurt their sensitivities than have them get killed. Took three guys to a "live-line" demonstration a couple years ago. They STILL won't screw around near power lines.

In my lifetime I have seen (as in personally witnessed) no less than THREE work-related fatalities. All of them preventable. THREE lives needlessly cut short, THREE families of kids without dads, THREE families losing a member.

So when I say I don't dick around with people who do dumb things, you can believe I mean it. And you can understand why I get so heated in the Inj/Fat forum.

Employers need to educate more, and follow that with discipline. If they don't get the message in 2 warnings, they're not going to get it ever, until they get themselves killed or hurt.

How many guys here have a written safety policy? If no, why not? If yes, do you enforce it?

The seriousness of safety needs to be driven home... and HARD. Almost every accident in the Inj/Fat forum was preventable. Let's review:

"Man falls out of Bucket to Death 6-12-2003" - Preventable? Yes. Should have been tied in, and properly.

"Man Down - Tallahassee -07/30/03- electrocution " - Preventable? Probably. Was inexperiened or untrained with working near energized conductors, or didn't take proper precautions. Maybe didn't have the right equipment. Look up "line clearance arborist".

"man thru chipper " - Preventable? Absolutely. Never, EVER put your body into a running machine! Use a push stick, or shut it down and remove the blockage whan all parts are stopped.

"spar fell " - Preventable? Yep. Minimum safe distances need to be maintained from operations, particularly felling - at least 1-1/2 times the height of the spar.

"He lived " - Preventable? Yessir! Proper fall protection is always required when working aloft. It's required for a reason!

"Children, trees, & felling-- A dangerous combination Child struck-by, Jan 2003 " - Preventable? Yes. Maintaining your "work zone" is paramount!

"accident-westen Mass " - Preventable? Probably! When crotching in, try to tie around the tree, not the branch. Pick a branch capable of sustaining your weight, and double tie!

I could go on for hours, but you get the idea.
I really like to read the FACE reports, I want to create a binder and require all of my guys to read them (guess I'll do that after I buy and require chaps to be used...). It is very easy to say that guy was a dumba$$ sticking his hand up close to the feed wheel, or that guy droping the tree didn't know as much as me about tree felling...Blah blah blah.... The face reports go a little deeper in that they will typicaly talk about how long the person worked for the company, or how long the businees has been around, etc, it makes you then start to think that the dead guy looked a little more like me that I first thought, he may have even know more than me.
i think that just collecting these tragedies sifted from the rest of the news, as done here is a big step; insamuch as it presents a building a resevoir of things to reflect on; that in previous years, others didn't have to warn them and theirs.

i say that, even though at the time was against segregating posts to a seperate forum of this nature; fearing it wouldn't be kept upfront; in our faces; and am glad to see that not the case.

i kinda liked my idea of painting a small clipboard, with skull and crossbones on it; and every chipper death during the chipper's lifespan, recorded with a magic marker slash on the clipboard, for the same in your face reasons.

Locally, i carry 4 to a page inkjet postcards; giving one to every tree crew i see, except one....., also anyone renting, selling chippers. For on one side of theses beauty and beast cards i have made; i have the picture JP inserted in man thru chipper; and my description of the beast on the back. i can report many sudden seriouness; and gathering to tailgate safety meetings.

The last line "Many machines can kill, few so well"; was in fact tacked on, to still carry the warning about chippers, but also so a factory worker could bring it in as safety awareness for everyone; kinda like arborist's contribution to that end.

Kinda gives it that extra kick, handing to a guy, calling attention to her beauty, then dropping the bomb that this was that girl ya heard about; that is the before shot. Kinda stole that strategy from the big guy too!

Inside, i know there'll be another in spite of all that; indeed there already has been. i try not to let that slow me down, but rather keep me marching on; sometimes that is all ya can do!

Today I watched 2 quarterwitts with a 65' bucket, chipper and chip truck for about 5 minutes before I got completely depressed.
The clown in the bucket was bombing a 40 foot tree piece by piece onto the street and sidewalk, as the other clown strolled back and forth to the chipper with each piece.
Neither of these nitwits had or used any safety equipment, whatsoever, no hardhats, no restraint, no saw lanyard, NOTHING.
The best part, these clowns were working on a municipal contract right out on the main street.
These clowns weren't a poverty operation either, they were
mis-using good equipment.
With IDIOTS like this in the business, and people who are willing to employ idiots, how can the industry improve safety?