hobby climber
ArboristSite Guru
Hi, I'm Hobby Climber and have been a member at AS for about a year now. A lot has gone on (here) in the recent past for what ever the reason but as far as I'm concerned, its just that...in the past! I would like to know just what the newer members (or less experienced climbers) want to learn about here at AS.com . There are a lot of lurkers out there viewing in silent with lots of questions they'ed like to ask so ...what cha waiting for??? Join up, introduce yourself, maybe a little background, and tell us what topics you would like us to talk about to improve your skills and knowledge level. No such thing as a dumb question you know! There is a lot of knowledge you can tap into from the AS.com membership , all you have to do is ask. So who's going to be first to ??? :blush: Don't be shy, your among friends! HC