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some of you guys would really like the petzl gri gri ... can be used as a prussik for goimng up or down and lovely for a laynerd set up .... also its a great belay from the ground using your groundie .....even if if falls asleep you still get a belay hahaha dark
Panther, in tree work it is more commonly called a speed line.

This is an observation, not a flame or personal attack.

While the rigging on the speedline was nice, it was totally unneeded and time consuming. The run was 60 feet max over basically level ground. Go to Lowes or Home Depot and get you a 40 dollar 2 wheeler. The pieces that are shown in the video could be carried out by hand with no problem. We would have cut the pieces a little longer and moved them to the front. Assuming the pieces where already cut we could move at least one piece of wood a minute at that location with 2 people.

Also, dont know if it you in the hardhat or your the shirtless one, either way the dude without a shirt needs to be properly attired for work. He screams hack wearing no shirt, shorts and tennis shoes, and a beany cap, especially when compared to the man in the hardhat and work clothes. If its you without the shirt, toughen up and put on some clothes for work, you make the other guy look bad, if your in the hard hat, then toughen up and make the guy presenable. He isnt wearing a hard hat either.

Over rigging is a huge waist of time and resources.

I'll come down for the previous price if you can throw in child care for the three "groundies". Thanks for the offer, but right now I gotta stay a little closer to upstate NY.
Does everybody use a Big Shot? There is an excellent water balloon launcher in one of my tool catalouges for $25. I've seen guys at NASCAR races use 'em to launch a can of beer from the infield across the track. If you are use something like a BS, what size throw bags do you fellas prefer?
i use a 14 oz. with my big shot, sometimes use a 16 oz. they both work real well, it seems i get more distance with the 14, never tried a 12 oz. bag.
I use the BS for setting lines over 75' or so. I use anything from a 8oz bag (for getting over 100' with zing it sometimes) up to a 16 oz bag when I am pulling a line down a rough pine.

I mainly use spider wire as my throwline, its well worth the money.
Lumberjack said:
Panther, in tree work it is more commonly called a speed line.

This is an observation, not a flame or personal attack.

While the rigging on the speedline was nice, it was totally unneeded and time consuming.

Also, dont know if it you in the hardhat or your the shirtless one, either way the dude without a shirt needs to be properly attired for work. He screams hack wearing no shirt, shorts and tennis shoes, and a beany cap, especially when compared to the man in the hardhat and work clothes.

Good calls, for sure. The speedline was mainly to move the bigger ones (probably 150-200 pounds)...the video was a demo of how we did it with a smaller one...we rolled the small ones, roped the big 'uns. A hand truck is a good idea...next time. This was at my house, no rush...half the fun was the rigging.

Yep, I was in the hardhat...mainly for the muffs and eye protection while I cut the logs...tree was already down. He was only helping with the groundwork, no overhead hazards. He did get a good sunburn.
Hmm you wouldnt call him rigging up the chunks an overhead hazzard?

200 pounds aint much(aint busting your balls, just sayin) to move by hand, with a hand truck (more effient use of energy) a 500 pound piece is big in my book.

It takes 2 people to load a 500 pound piece onto the trailer (up ramps). If you want to be faster have one person on the front holding it up and pulling, and another person pushing low on the piece (on the handtruck). Works well for getting up steep hills or other problem areas.
Lumberjack said:
Hmm you wouldnt call him rigging up the chunks an overhead hazzard?

Yes, if you get under it...we were leaning back and pulling down, using tag lines to keep out from under the load. Your hand truck is a good idea. I use them at work (tree work is a sporadic thing with me, mainly for family) but hadn't thought of them for trees. Thanks for the idea.
Your welcome, AS is a place to share ideas:)

Guess I will drop the PPE/proper attire line for now, doesnt seem to be makin progress.
Thank you for all of the input. One other thing I am having trouble with is finding insurance in Upstate New Yor that is reasonable in price and tree work specific. Anyone have any experience with tree insurance in Upstate New York?
hobby climber said:
Hi, I'm Hobby Climber and have been a member at AS for about a year now. A lot has gone on (here) in the recent past for what ever the reason but as far as I'm concerned, its just that...in the past! I would like to know just what the newer members (or less experienced climbers) want to learn about here at AS.com . There are a lot of lurkers out there viewing in silent with lots of questions they'ed like to ask so ...what cha waiting for??? Join up, introduce yourself, maybe a little background, and tell us what topics you would like us to talk about to improve your skills and knowledge level. No such thing as a dumb question you know! There is a lot of knowledge you can tap into from the AS.com membership , all you have to do is ask. So who's going to be first to ??? :blush: Don't be shy, your among friends! HC

Thanks for the re-assurance. I quoted you in the Chainsaw forum "Question on Gas Mix".
ozy365 said:
Here goes:

I am new to the climbing biz, but I have been doing my own tree work for 6 years. I live in Central New York with my wife and three kids :blob2: . My question:

I climb with a dynamic system on Arbor plex with a split tail and have a hell of a time with a body thrust pulling line without wrapping it around my hand and forearm each time. Do I need different gloves, different rope, or do you guys take wraps around you hand and forearm as well? I am using natural crotches. I figure a friction saver may make the pull easier, but does it limit your vertical gain. I like minimizing equipment, but I figure by the end of the summer I'll be SRTing with ascenders. I think I would rather stick with the dynamic system through a pulley or friction saver(or both?). Anyone got some feedback for the noob? :dizzy:
why arbor plex, imho one purchase for speed mar bar
ozy365 said:
Thanks.... I see a lot of guys writing about all of the equipment they use and I want to minimize my overhead. I figure $8 for gloves from Sherrill is a good use of cash.

Footlocking I am starting to use, but i find I slid half the distance that I try to stand. I use a "soft" footlock on descents and find I can come to a stop easily. I'll probably get the hang by May. Thank you again for your time.
Try 4.00 from peak trading .com yo. Mar bar! dont wait till may
ozy365 said:
What kind of rope do you guys prefer to body thrust with? What friction savers and what kind of lifespan on the ropes are you getting?
Any thing except arbor plex
aRbor plex seems to be the Bradford pear of ropes--roundly dissed, just because it is out of favor. When I hired contract climbers to help after a storm, my use of arbor plex was a running joke until I just stopped using it so I wouldn't have to hear the negative comments, and we could talk about important stuff like how to manage trees. :rolleyes:

"I'll come down for the previous price if you can throw in child care for the three "groundies". "
Well I have 3 experienced child caregivers who are underemployed this summer. If things are not as busy as you may like, a week or so this summer may happen. pm me if you're interested, and meantime have fun caring for the trees up there, and be careful.
never stop using a tool or climbing system your comfortable with because some one else doesnt like it

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