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I Like the arborplex because it is economical. I have yet to try any other rope. If some one wants to send 150' of their favorite, I will willingly review it. My business partner and I are easing into the pool of tree work. My three kids, his two and each of our 6 to 7 day a week "professional" (paperwork intensive) dayjobs limit our efforts. The bigger nut buster is liability insurance in New York. Even if we try to stay under $10,000gross/year, we are looking at premiums of over $4500. That is the only reason I started with arborplex. We need to take the plunge, but we have only two votes out of 9 in our two houses. Trees has got to work out better than that cold fusion thing we tried in the 80's....

Ozy, Those insurance rates are simply ridiculous. Keep looking. I worked for years without because I kept getting stupid $5000 per annum quotes for a "non-standard policy" I finally found real arborist insurance at a fraction of the cost-It still costs too much and I HATE insurance ( "Excuse me sir would you like to bet AGAINST yourself? Too many people declined in the past so now it is mandatory. You must place a bet. Thank you for betting. We look forward to keeping your money.") but it isn't that unreasonable here.

Arborplex is good rope, but there are better ones. Much better. However I remember when I got my first APlex-It was wonderful!
Jeff, please tell me what is on your mind...I am too new to be a mind reader around here ;)

Stumper, thanks for the input. I am looking. The Tree machine had posted some good info, but the insurance was only for West of here. It was enough to get my Insurance agent excited, so he is chasing down some leads...Either way, it looks like I will be hitting the streets in the next 6 weeks....Probably with a second mortgage. Alot of guys with a pickup are doing tree work this year. A lot of them were construction; before that plummer, garbage man and dog catcher. I have yet to find a guy in this area with an insurance certificate.

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