When I travel with my Honda SXS I board it up so it looks like a junker being hauled off. I've had people at gas stations ask me what it was. So far the camouflage has worked. No problems staying overnight when going to South Dakota or Montana.
That’s cool. I bet you meet a lot of interesting people along the way.
I think driving truck of some sort would be a lot of fun once kids are out of the house. Different beast than what you are doing but I’ve often thought about getting my own dump truck as I’ve got gravel on my land and could do a pretty decent side business and most gravel men in my area won’t even call you back.
Would help with the kid and a pickup truck. Any wrecker with a wheel lift/ tow bar would be down the road with that trailer no problem. Cameras, GPS trackers are your best bet. Let them take it if they want it, it's not hard to steel trailers/ equipment. Local farm equipment has had full sized tractors taken, with gates, and cameras. The first time they bad guys won. The next few times, the gps trackers got them back.This is what the maker of my trailer offers.
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Nope, don’t care for the doubles, that was my only experience with a full trailer, been there, done that, don’t care to go back, but no one told me anything about pinning the turntable
I like being able to back up, but this coming week (and Hopefully MORE, after that) I am going to be on a Lazy (Wo)man’s route, 5 stops out of Medford, palletized and a lift gate in a Straight truck, 65+ hour week, 12 hours travel time round trip, 56.5 cents/mile-700+miles for driving my personal vehicle there and back plus $75/night Layover pay, all adds up Nicely for little sweat week. The only real downside is the Midnight start times, guess ya gotta take some Bad with the good
Sorry AGAIN, Sandhill (Wink)
Boy I’d be staking out the lower end towing companies and watching for private wreckers driving around at night if that happened to me.Like was said earlier, if they want it, they will get it. I had a Z28 stolen from in front of the house. Had an alarm system on it. For 5 nights it kept going off, I'd go out there and reset it. Then the last night they broke into the neighbors car, moved it back, picked up mine with a tow truck and left, going the wrong way down a 1 way street. They left his car in neutral is the only way we think we figured out how they got it.
For months!Boy I’d be staking out the lower end towing companies and watching for private wreckers driving around at night if that happened to me.