See if you can find a chart with cylinder pressure related to EGT and A/F ratio. The engine is your chart is under the constant load of the prop, whereas chainsaws go from unloaded to fully loaded. A properly tuned unloaded 4 stroking chainsaw at WOT might have an A/F of say 11-12:1 which is much too rich for complete combustion so the EGT is low due to the cooling effect of the unburned fuel and the RPM's are off peak due to the inefficient combustion. Drop the saw into the wood (now the engine is loaded) and the combustion pressure rises dramatically. The 11 or 12 AF that wouldn't burn very well at the lower pressure now burns almost completely at the higher pressure and gives max HP. EGT goes up due to more complete combustion leaving less unburned fuel available for cooling.
A lot of folks think max unloaded rpms= max loaded rpms and therefore faster chain speed. So they tune their saw to scream at max unloaded rpm with an AF of say 14:1. Then they drop the saw into the wood, the pressure rises and near perfect combustion occurs so there's no unburned fuel left over to cool the cylinder, EGT soars, HP drops. After a while the saw starts running like crap and the poor guy is baffled as to why so he takes it to THALL who pops the muffler off and thinks KACHING! another scored piston, that's the 3rd one today as he shows the guy the damage.