What gas mixture ratio????????????????????

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ArboristSite Guru
Mar 5, 2006
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O hi o
I just got a Jonsereds 920 and I was told to run at 32:1.I also have a Stihl 029 that I use the 50:1(the factory reccommends).Can I run the 029 at 32:1 also so I don't have to have to gas cans for them.:confused: :dizzy: :greenchainsaw: :bang: :blob5:

I would stay with the stihl mix on the 029. As for the 920 get a sperate can. larger and some older saws need a richer mix. personaly i run all my newer saws slightly rich compared to 50;1. I have not lost many pistons to lean siezer. I would check to see what is required on the 920 for mixture. one other tip stay with one type of oil and mix ratio. on saws i don't jump around from brand to brand and keep it on hand.:yoyo:
I really don't think this is all that critical. 50:1 is possible with good oil chosen for the engine type. 25:1 is OK for a general air cooled engine oil. This means that at 25:1 the oil isn't going to cause too much fouling.

Everything 2 stroke I have now runs ~32:1 with Stihl oil. The Stihl oil from my dealer is cheaper than oil from Bunnings (our version of Home Depot) or a garage.

That just leaves me with a PITA 4-stroke brushcutter that runs neat unleaded. Maybe I should put 2-stroke fuel through that too. :)
50:1 is a ratio devised by saw manufactures that like to sell saws. 32:1 will work fine in both saw's. Worst that can happen is you could plug you screen, they clean up easy with a propain torch though.
romeo said:
Worst that can happen is you could plug you screen, they clean up easy with a propain torch though.
they also clean up nicely with simple removal all together.

I like 40:1 in my saws. hasnt caused any problems, so I shall move forth using this mix.