Love List
#1 Buckthorn 35 mbtu
#2 Rock Elm 32 mbtu
#3 Apple/Pear/Plum 29 mbtu
Osage at 32.5 mbtu would be #3 but have only ever burnt a small amount of it, like Black locust a tough wood to get burning in anything less than a very hot fire.
Hate list.
#1 Buckthorn (the nasty thorn master with small wood returns).
#2 Box elder (makes me itchy, burns bad, smells bad)
#3 Chinese Elm (irritates skin, lungs and anything the sap gets on)
I've seen that claim that BL is hard to start - not in my experience. Does take a few more sheets of newspaper than some other wood though.
Restarted a cold stove twice this week with nothing but BL. Select 2-3 pieces that have sharp points on them, open all drafts, crumple newspaper in the ash tray, light it and stuff more paper in for about a minute and I have a roaring fire.
Harry K