Define "normal folk" please.Never once have I seen normal folk receive a grant it go's to foreigners with dots on their forehead or some other minority. I looked into disadvantaged business grants if I had ****s or was a forign person maybe.
That's total BS and nothing but a blame game. Did you actually apply? Were you able to explain your grant in writing so your needs/project could be easily interpreted? It's much easier to not try and blame women and them furriners, isn't it?:msp_mad:
In a similar type program, it was found that there was a need to show prospective folks (local loggers) HOW to write their proposals.
One guy, prior to the class, basically wrote a sentence that said, "We're gonna cut the trees and skid them out." He might have understood that, but the committee awarding projects thought it needed a little more elaboration, like what equipment was he going to use, etc. He ended up getting some projects after redoing his proposals.
The only folks with "****s" who were applying were fat men, and I can't think of any "foreigners" who did.