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May 7, 2001
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New Haven, NY
OK, I`ve got a question that I`d like some opinions on, maybe a little elaboration on why you feel the way you do. Here`s the thing, I was in Boonville today turning over stones looking for a few deals, which were very hard to come by this year, saw prices only slightly better than Commercial Cutters normal prices. So I see this one dealer has MS260s at less than $300. Since I don`t follow Stihl prices, it doesn`t really sink in until I`ve been in a few more tents where they are all over $300. So I go back, keep in mind that this is a dealer who I deal with periodically, so they know me, and inquire about that price. One boss man says " I don`t know, I`ll have to go look at the sign" which is out front with all the show pricing on it. Meanwhile, another guy working there runs out and checks, and comes back to tell me that yes, they are <$300, do I want any? I say give me two in the box since this seems like a fair price. So meanwhile he goes about the business of opening the boxes to make sure everything is there and then cashes me out. Since I am now carrying two Stihl boxes in Husky country, I bolt for my truck with out even looking inside. Later tonight when I get home, I open both boxes and note that they are "Pros" with 16" bars, scabards, tool, all the paperwork and a green "wank link" chain. So my question is, did I get screwed with that safety chain?:D Seriously, I`m thinking of bringing them back because this is an obvious mistake and I`m the kind of guy who gives back an extra dollar if I get it in my change. Let me know what you guys think. Russ
You saved $100 per saw, grind the wanks off the chain on your bench grinder and enjoy your deal!

Best price for a new 026Pro here is just under $400. That's from a dealer whom I have bought from for 15+ years and way less than 'tag' price.
Take the money you saved on the saws and buy a few loops of chain (you could buy a ROLL of chain with what you saved on the two saws).
what a deal

With the money you saved go buy a sprocket and the chain you really want. You will need a replacement sprocket down the road anyway. Then you could take the money you saved and send one of those out and get it walkerized? You got a deal.
If he sends one to Ken or Dennis, he won't want to use the other one, can sell it to pay for the mods on the other! :blob2:
i'm not sure how it is elsewhere; but here, it is like pulling teeth trying to get a new Stihl saw with aggressive chain.

It is considered part of the safety program, lower liability etc. to sell saws with safety chain, at least it was a few years ago. Our newest guy on the block, i beleive has 'em without safety chain for sale, but he owns a tree service; so don't know if that counts.

i once bought an 066 w/36" bar/chain; with safety chain! Almost walked, but needed the saw, dealer was polite but firm! i've bought other saws like that too.
Those safety chains are good for something...pruning near the collar. It gives a nice clean cut.
As for the dealers selling the more agressive chain, my limited experience has been that they like to know you are experienced and not just talking a good show before they will sell it to you.
As for the price, you asked them to be sure. They had the opportunity to evaluate their prices. If that is Husky country, they may just be trying to get a foot in the door. I've seen that kind of thing with large municipal purchases. Congratulations!! (if you don't like them, there's always e-bay).
Hi Huskyman. already got a Greffardized 385, so now I`m wondering what`s next. I did demo one of the new Dolmar 7900s yesterday, very nice saw.

I`m really not bragging about the "steal" I got on these saws, I`m actually feeling a little guilt. I saw the MS260 PRO on their sign at $399, and I paid well over a hundred less per saw. I`m actually planning on bringing them back to the guy on Monday. I keep thinking about the fact that he is losing about $70 bucks apiece, his dealer cost vs what I paid, I wouldn`t want to be on his end of the deal and I feel like what goes around comes around. Russ

I just scanned down through the responses and seemed most missed your question. I understand your guilt. If they were supposed to be 026's and the pro's he had priced at $399 you should probaly let the dealer know. He was probably glad to make a sale and did not pay close attention. If you were the dealer you would want to know. He will be really surprised when he does inventory and is short two Pro's and long two standard 026's. If you let him know he may be so happy he will give you a great deal on keeping the two you have or exchange them for the standards and throw in some new chains and bars. This is just my two cents worth but I believe the vast majority of people are honest and we must all do our part to keep it that way. By going back and pointing out the mistake you will be honest and you will leave a better man.

Bill G
I was in the CCD tent and wanted a 20" Oragon bar for my 372 xp. The woman tried to sell me one for $ 10.00 when the sign right below the bars said $ 28.00. So I told her she better change the sales slip, and I walked out of there w/ 2 20" bars for $21.00 :cool:
joker i admire your intentions.
also your ability to just whip out 6 round ones on a good deal.
to be honest if u buying 2 didnt make them take a second look an change their mind. they sold u what they wanted to.
having sold many things myself,i consider it my responcibility to sell at a price that makes me money.follow your conciense ,but id keep them myself.
u did nothing wrong. imho
I called the owner bright and early this morning, before he even had an inkling that anything was amiss, and explained the scenario. Decent guy that he is said that "normally we get about $25 more for the PRO, but since we messed up I`ll forget about the difference if you`re happy". I reiterated what I paid and promised him payment of the additional 50 bucks. Got a Postal money order ready to go in the mail in the morning for him. Like I said, I`ve bought from him before and I`ll buy from him in the future, even if it were to cost a little more, for quite awhile. I feel better for giving him the heads up though, I mean if you can`t face a person with your head up, did you really get a deal? BTW, wish I`d seen those bars but I was preoccupied enough already. Russ
BTW, Tony, I appreciate what I take as a compliment. Up there at Boonville, it`s not uncommon to buy more than one saw at a time, so it probably didn`t even raise their eyebrows. In fact there are a couple of bigger outfits that come in and buy by the pallet in some items. I sure hope that the deals return on most items next year but they guys must have gotten wise to the fact that they were beating each other and them selves up at the same time. Looks like the days of the $480 372xp and $7.50 20" chain loops may be over.:( Russ
Is this the trend among Stihl dealers to be selling higher end saws such as the 044 and up with safety chain? When I was at a Stihl dealership I would send them out the door with "Rapid" chain, the guys would laugh in your face if you sent them out the frint door with safety chain. Have the Stihl rules and regulations changed? Or have the dealers just gotten cheap?
Honesty and Integrety !!!

I admire you and your honesty and integrety- the world would be a better place with more people like you.


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