Who got what for free this week??

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Sprig said:
It ain't a saw but I was given an '86 626 Mazda this weekend, runs great, not bad body but rusted rear shock mounts (fixable), drove it here, hey, it was free!
:D :D

Dayummmmmmmmmmmmmm now thats a major freebie, cool beans on the Mazda. I bought my kid one of those one time, was a great car. She put 154,000 miles on it and the only thing that ever went wrong was the module in distributor. Other than that that car was a tank, it had to be considering the way she drove it...................................
Picked up an 024 with original bar and chain, needs a piston and rings, it might have 10 hrs on it. It was in a box being thrown in the scrap pile. Also in the box is 5 echo gas drills in various states, may be able to get 2 or 3 going out of the heap. :biggrinbounce2: Last week a 80 gal two stage 6hp compressor the guy said get it out of my basement!!! Had to take it apart to get it out!!:biggrinbounce2:
Good finds!

I just missed a Super Wiz 66...guy gave it away couple of months ago...but he's gonna find me a 66 or 77 he says.

I found him a Golden Jubilee so he owes me...(of course it wasn't free...)

My Weeks Haul!

On one of my saw shop rounds I paid a very low price for these two Stihl parts saws in hopes that something on them would fit my 084 but no luck there. In fact I don't even know what models they are and will probally ebay them as is. I was also given 2 saws in exchange for cleaning up a Homelite 240. One of the two is a Homelite super 2 and is now in the parts pile but the other is a nice Homelite XL 925. Both the S2 and the 925 are pictured after I have gone through them.
Farley9n said:
I was also given 2 saws in exchange for cleaning up a Homelite 240. One of the two is a Homelite super 2 and is now in the parts pile but the other is a nice Homelite XL 925. Both the S2 and the 925 are pictured after I have gone through them.

Damn good deal, Does he need anything else cleaned up?

I got a 1500lb trailer axle for the local saw shop that they were sending to the scrap heap.

Im going to use the springs for my Mega lawn cart. It will have about 2000K capicity with hydraulic dump controlled from the tractor.:clap:
Got a Mac 10-10 this week. I'm gonna give it a once over and give it to a new neighbor who just moved in "next door" a 1/4 mile away.
No free saws this week (I did turn down a couple of Mac 605's..), but I did get a pressure washer pump that was "bad".. sure... bad H side valve - $3... if I don't just scrape off the lump of the old seat!:laugh: :laugh:

Just happens to be the same pump as mine that's got water in the oil! I was just going to tear it down for a class project.

For those of you that don't know, Pressure washer pumps are precise, but butt simple... and rebuild kit's are available...
Do you guys just hit up your local saw shop and ask for their "junk saws"? I have a couple small engine shops around and I'm wondering if I should be paying them a visit and offering some lunch money or something.

I got a lot of free advice from this site to spend much more money than I intended on a saw -- but it was worth it. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever spent too much money on a tool.

twoodward15 said:
Do you guys just hit up your local saw shop and ask for their "junk saws"? I have a couple small engine shops around and I'm wondering if I should be paying them a visit and offering some lunch money or something.

I have 2 different guys that drop buy to hit me up for "junk" saws and other equipment. We usually have about 50-80 mowers in our fenced storage that are scrapped and at least 10 saws or so.

Advice: First, stop in, say hi and buy something, doesn't matter if it's parts or equipment. Next time that you are in, broach the subject of buying, I said BUYING some junk saws, etc. If the dealer offers to give them to you then it's a bonus.

I usually get $10.00 for junk saws under 10 or 15 years old. The rest are just kinda "$10 bux for the pile or something".
Lakeside53 said:
No free saws this week (I did turn down a couple of Mac 605's..), but I did get a pressure washer pump that was "bad".. sure... bad H side valve - $3... if I don't just scrape off the lump of the old seat!:laugh: :laugh:

Just happens to be the same pump as mine that's got water in the oil! I was just going to tear it down for a class project.

For those of you that don't know, Pressure washer pumps are precise, but butt simple... and rebuild kit's are available...

Lake, I'm glad you said something! I've got a Craftsman that was my fathers. Engine runs fine but pump no go. Pump just said "no" one day... Got rebuild/shematic info? It's a little 1800psi upright w/ 4.5 horse briggs I think...

wagonwheeler said:
Lake, I'm glad you said something! I've got a Craftsman that was my fathers. Engine runs fine but pump no go. Pump just said "no" one day... Got rebuild/shematic info? It's a little 1800psi upright w/ 4.5 horse briggs I think...


You are welcome to my info, but first.. do a search on the model number of the pump (or go to the parts section of sears.com if they've obscured it..). Mine was an Annovi Reverberi XTV type, and just punching those terms to goggle gave me the IPL PDF , repair manuals, sources for all the parts etc. Most pumps are of the tri-plex design - just a crank that turns three ceramic pistons in sequence. An inlet/exit manifold bolts onto not the crankcase and is easy to get off. The pressure from each those pistons operates an inlet and outlet check valve (really simple). If the crank/piston section is working fine, and not leaking water into the oil etc, then it's usually just a valve or seal. The valves are often accessible by opening a cover (one for each). You can buy the smaller pumps for as little as $180, but that's not how I work!.
I did some work for a lady last year. So it was time to collect. Went to her place and here is what she gave me. This little XL12 and the troy tiller. I figure I got one of the two for free. something to do for the winter.:biggrinbounce2:
bigbadbob said:
I did some work for a lady last year. So it was time to collect. Went to her place and here is what she gave me. This little XL12 and the troy tiller. I figure I got one of the two for free. something to do for the winter.:biggrinbounce2:

Good deal there BadBob. I got a freebie yesterday come to think of it. Customer just walked in the shop and sit it on the counter and said you want this. I was like dayummmmmmmmmmm. Real nice 041 Stihl chainsaw. Runs, just needs a new fuel fliter and line. Saw itself is in fine shape. Santa came early, love that fat man....

today I brought a pickup load of firewood to one of my wife friends and she gave me an old woodstove for the cabin out at the woodlot. Needs some TLC but the price is right! (Well I did have to load and unload and stack a pickup load of wood, so may be that is not free) ;)
I got three PU loads of free firewood today from a landing a mile from my dooryard to feed my boiler. The jobber stranded a big pile top and stem wood, landowner wants it gone so.....:greenchainsaw: The price is right, location close, can back my truck right up to the pile and I can run a different saw or two everyday. What's not to like? Only 3-4 more cords to go..........:hmm3grin2orange:

Oh, as far as saws go the last one was a couple months ago. My cousin gave me a Husky 2100 in very nice shape. He bought it at a garage sale for $50, used it twice realized it was WAY more saw than he needed and didn't want his dad to have it(same reason). A new chain tensioner and a JB Weld fix on the oil tank(hole from chain slap, see first item fixed) and a set of dawgs for the clutch cover, good to go. It's the full wrap handle model and runs amazing.
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