I cut a hing out on a tree I was dropping and called my insurance agent right away. (Oh it was on my clients customers house after that

) Long story short, I cut most of the tension side of the hinge out and it snapped, falling sideways.
This past Saturday i had one of those piddly days. We were to meet at 9 to go kill a basswood.
Groundy shows up late, then the chipper wont start.
My client (Dave) askes for me to give jump, I call to groundy to pop my hood. He cracks that little airdam thinggy by pushing down on it. Dave offers to replace without me asking.
Dave is using my 346 and the nose sprocket breaks in half. He wants to replace the bar, I say no he says half. Who am i to argue?
Groundy cuts 20 ft off end of old rigging line, Dave wants to make it up to me, I say it was on it's last legs anyways. Dave says it's not rally long enough to use any more. I say $ 20 and we agree to give the gorundy the 20 ft of cut end.
As for employor/employee responsibility in an accident. The employee is the employors agent while on the clock. Even if he is driving his own car. the employor is ultimately responsible for the employees actions while on the job.
As for sueing, anyone can tak anyone else to court for anything. It does not mean that they will win, and may end up paying in a counter suit if frivolouse.