Who's wood pile is gettin skinny?

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I'll be alright this year if the temps ever get back to normal:censored:
im damn near out of seasoned wood. im gonna strt burings pallets again to stretch the pile for this year. ive already burned more than i have the last 2 years. this problem will NOT happen again. i probly got 15 cord of unsplit wood in my yard right now and it gets bigger all the time.

my poor poor log splitter, shes gonna work hard this year:chainsaw:
I recently fattened mine up with almost 4 cords, which is all slated for next year's pile. As of today I should have a wee bit left over for 2010/2011, but I plan to have at least that year taken care of by the end of March when the roads start to get too soft.

Oh yeah, I have a cord of elm that was sitting all by itself in the field, but my Fiskars Super Splitter arrived in the mail today so that will add another cord to the pile (and pretty quickly too - that Fiskars eats up elm!).


Yep, the fiskars will split Pignut Hickory really well too. Cold weather helps alot though!
Picture from a few weeks ago:
My stack is getting thin. I am burning more than I did last year. I should be hitting my "emergency" stash of 1 cord in about 2 weeks. Will have to see how long winter lasts after that.
We put back 4 cords last Spring for this winter and are just about half through it. We are good for seasoned stuff here. If not I know where I have some dead standing Elm and Locust that will put me over the top , if needed.
{hand up in back of class} ME!

I didn't get the stove for my shop until late in the year. Last winter was a punt, so i thought 3-4 cords would do it this year....not. Right now i am burning the stack that was designated for the summer fire pit(at least it's seasoned).
13 this morn, single digits tonight. It is supposed to warm up for the weekend, so out come the chaps, ears & eyes for some cuttin!
Hopefully i won't get caught with my britches down next winter :bang:


Sounds like me when I first moved to arizona! This was just a summer house that bought to convert to a retirement house. We never went cold but wood was only pallets. Second year I thought okay..I and going to keep scrounging for wood, thought I did good and had @ 1 1/2. I did not know the freaking temps got to 0 degrees and 40 mph winds. I had to buy so called 2 cords of wood for @$600 and only had @1 1/2:dizzy: Twards the end of the 2nd winter i was told about a place to get wood and started to stockup. After 2 loads the wife was like..We have enough, i was like NOPE it is mostly green and not enough. After 2 loads in truck and with trailer loaded realy heavy, I figured we had enough for this winter:greenchainsaw: I was right:clap:

I had @6 cords of wood, ready for anything this winter. I felt guilty, when I heard some people needed wood, I gave away @1 1/2 cord (even tho no one helpe me out!). As of now I have @ 1 1/2 cord split and another 1 1/2 that needs to be split but all wood is seasoned well! ( I do live in arizona..lol).

Moral of my long winded story is ........YOU NEVER HAVE TO MUCH:dizzy:

P.S. Sorry for being long winded, I might have to leave the state again for work.
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My stack is getting thin. I am burning more than I did last year. I should be hitting my "emergency" stash of 1 cord in about 2 weeks. Will have to see how long winter lasts after that.
The groundhog saw his shadow all over America. Yeah, it may warm up some this weekend but next week, winter will return.

Remember that March and April were both cold last year. Winter kept going and going and going...
This still hasn't been touched.

<a href="http://s249.photobucket.com/albums/gg238/aandabooks/?action=view&current=100_0828.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg238/aandabooks/100_0828.jpg" border="0" alt="Rounds October"></a>

And the left side of this is still intact:

<a href="http://s249.photobucket.com/albums/gg238/aandabooks/?action=view&current=100_0827.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg238/aandabooks/100_0827.jpg" border="0" alt="October Wood Shed"></a>

I'm refilling the right side with some oak I brought in last weekend. Figure I'll split the pile of rounds in the spring. Got to get wood cut while the crops are out. I have limited access once the fields get planted.
I'm still waiting to see some weather. We just burned our first cord so I bought up a cord last week from the wood stacks. I have more wood than I ever had. We have had 7 cord winters, so I know some day we will use it, so I'm going to keep on cutting.
This still hasn't been touched.

<a href="http://s249.photobucket.com/albums/gg238/aandabooks/?action=view&current=100_0828.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg238/aandabooks/100_0828.jpg" border="0" alt="Rounds October"></a>

And the left side of this is still intact:

<a href="http://s249.photobucket.com/albums/gg238/aandabooks/?action=view&current=100_0827.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg238/aandabooks/100_0827.jpg" border="0" alt="October Wood Shed"></a>

I'm refilling the right side with some oak I brought in last weekend. Figure I'll split the pile of rounds in the spring. Got to get wood cut while the crops are out. I have limited access once the fields get planted.

What do you have a dog guard the wood pile. Must be alot of crime around there. HeHe:cheers:
6-7 more cords

OWB has cranked through 5-6 cords since start of December. Friday weather looks nice, I've got about 100 pallets to cut (I don't want to look at them). I would imagine I can really cut back on my cord wood usage by getting these pallets cut into thirds and using them for daytime fill-ups.
Me I think I might have enough to make it through Feb I was hoping I had enough to get me into early April.
So, I tried splitting some of my cut but not split wood over the weekend and brought in a couple trailer fulls for it to dry (since stove is in basement the humidity level down there is in the <20% range) while I was using some of my seasoned wood. But, that didn't work out quite the way I planned since I brought some unwanted guests into the house. :censored:

This year since I now have a splitter I will be cutting and splitting like mad during early Spring to get my supply going.
I'm still waiting to see some weather. We just burned our first cord so I bought up a cord last week from the wood stacks. I have more wood than I ever had. We have had 7 cord winters, so I know some day we will use it, so I'm going to keep on cutting.

You guys got hit hard last year, from what I heard!

I live outside of Laughlin NV/Bullheadcity AZ and we have been mild so far:clap:
I was short so have been cutting and splitting 2 pickup loads a weekend of standing dead elm for the last few wekends. I have tons of green blowdown 8' logs sitting there waiting to buck, but they can wait. I need to at least get logs home over the winter because most of my wood is in the creeks or fencelines and are inaccessible once the crops are planted. Won't be caught short next year. Good thing, because I'm running out of standing dead.:(
My first winter with the OWB...have run 6-7 cords myself, been cutting week-to-week. Saturday means back to the woodlot to drag more tops off the hill. Have already started on 010's supply tho...
We're down to 2 face cord of seasoned - hope the poem about Ash is accurate! We have about 3 "dead for 3 years" and another 4 "dead for 2 years" standing Ash trees. I'll have 3 of them down, chunked, split, and stacked by next weekend. Hopefully they burn as good as I've heard. Any secret to speeding up the drying process for the dead ash?

Now that we have a year of experience, I'll have more than enough for next year. Nothing like a little shortage to reinforce the 'more is better' plan.

-18 degrees at 5:30am on the truck thermometer - Northern Oakland county.
My situation was getting critical! If not for a good friend letting me take 2 cord I'd be in deep doo-doo !
Ahh, i see i ain't the only one. Well, my target for next winter is 10 cords. I'll be busy!
