Who's wood pile is gettin skinny?

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I'm good through April it's looking like. Temps have been on the colder side this winter though with lots of snow. No real access too cutting for a bit. I've been working a job fairly close too home and we've got a pretty good pile of firewood logs stacking up. I may have too break down and take a truckload home. Might get a little off as it's very close. (hate buying though) :mad:
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Getting critical here. This is my first year with the OWB and I knew I didn't have enough wood. I'm down to about a half cord of seasoned and maybe another half cord of green that I'm going to try to save till next year. Luckily I have a bunch of standing dead I can cut to keep going, just need to make time to go do it. But man cutting in the snow is a lot more work isn't it. I've got about 100 gal of propane in the tank but between a big tax bill and short-term layoffs I am going to have to get by mostly on wood.
skinny wood pile

to those who have owb's with blowers and there wood pile is getting low start to mix in green wood it will burn, also pine burns well in owb's . The first year I had mine I burnt mainly all green wood I did not realize who much wood it would use.This year I have plenty probably 8 cord left of seasoned hard wood plus 8 or 9 cord of pine ready for next year. Good luck to all finding enough wood to make it through the heating season
I'm good through April it's looking like. Temps have been on the colder side this winter though with lots of snow. No real access too cutting for a bit. I've been working a job fairly close too home and we've got a pretty good pile of firewood logs stacking up. I may have too break down and take a truckload home. Might get a little off as it's very close. (hate buying though) :mad:

That could be a pic from around these parts!

I like the looks of that firewood pile you've got going there. :cheers:
Skinny pile?

I'm right down to a bunch of green stuff. It looks like I'm going to have to trudge thru the snow and cut some of the downed crap behind my house.
Shame on me for not cutting more this fall!!

Just to avoid the same for next year I will cut all spring, summer, and Fall.
We took a dent out of it this past couple weeks, but pretty sure this will become a 'next year' pile.

Here is a shot from two weeks ago, last time I took some off of it and moved some closer to the stove.

I got about a weeks worth left of my ten cord woodshed stash, not bad though for heating 2 houses and a garage since Oct 1st.
I did just score a 5 cord tri-axe load of 6"-8" dia mixed hardwood in trade for a 1/2 days worth of welding up some new log bunks for one of the local loggers. I should be set till spring, then the pile of pine and poplar I have will finish off the season. :cheers:
I've got plenty of wood, but I have gone through a bit more than usual. (What ever happened to this years' "January thaw"?) If the heating season drags out like it did last year, I'll either tap into next years' side of the shed or do like I did last year. I just didn't want to start on this years wood last April, so I went out and cut up some standing dead to get me through the rest of the season. Plus I was itchy to go out and play with some saws.:)