Stiff Member
The Sierras were rough on spikes, lots of hard rocks, used vibrams a lot.
Someone once told me you can put a #### ton more wood on the ground pickin yer stump up a little than ya can diggin and doin the swedish dipsy doodle poke around here and poke over there. By God he was right. Someone should get the message to the walnut guys especially. All those board inches you think you're saving you're pissin away in board feet that could be on the ground. Time, time, time. No ones payin me to dawdle.
There is a HELL of a lot more you can do with a tree on a higher stump.
Anything else?
Even when I lived in Wyoming I thought the conventional cut was weird I was ten? when moved out here to Warshington... we went hunting in eastern warshington and I saw some massive sloping back cut (like 75 deg.) and that bothered me for weeks couldn't figure out why they would want to do that, if memory serves they also did some weird v cut thing with no chunk removed just two v's and pray I guess?:msp_unsure:
LMAO... the only face cut I knew for eons was a Humboldt as well. Wasn't until I saw some arbo guy in town make a conventinal face cut and thought it was weird looking. What was even weirder is that he made the angled top cut first. I thought, "how do you gun your lay with an angled top cut?"
I think I've used a conventional face cut about 3 times in my life.
when you guys say gun ,are you talking about the sight on my stihl ,the black line across the top and starter cover ? what ever way that is facing is the direction the tree will go ?
Yes... and before there were black lines on the saws... you used the straight part of the front handle.
Yes... and before there were black lines on the saws... you used the straight part of the front handle.
when you guys say gun ,are you talking about the sight on my stihl ,the black line across the top and starter cover ? what ever way that is facing is the direction the tree will go ?