It's true that we often ask people for help & assistance in times of need & forget about thanking them once our need has been fulfilled. At the same time, there exist the people who do think about thanking the people who have helped them, but do not actually take the initiative to do so. This is of no help either. You should always keep in mind that it is the action that matters, not the intention. People will only see what you have done, not what you wished to do. I know I have thanked you guys plenty of times but I would like to extend my thankfulness & have everyone to please send me your address. A day hasn't went by without you guys on my mind. Sorry for the delay, but when you stand on the threshold of your new reality, it can be a scary & lonely place. My confidence has taken such a hit. My mind with inspiring shock, confusion, & deafening silence. Feeling like an outsider in my own life because different things matter now. I am doing good... Physically- Feet hurt, swell, & seem weak. Teeth are brittle, had some pulled/cut out. Mentally- Trying to find peace within myself. Invisible scars. Crave of "Feeling Normal". One good thing is everyday is a fresh start. Everyday is another chance to find/figure out/live my "New Normal". Maybe that's what life is all about anyway, figuring out your new normal everyday! Some grow stronger & some wither. Healing my body, mind, & soul is vital! It happened, I can't go back, I can only go on! As always, thanks for being in my life & always remember that every ounce of love- no matter it's form- is fuel for the fight!