Wigglesworth Charity Drive

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I ordered one anyway just in case, they're cheap. I've seen new cylinder shrouds come with and without the model plate for every current model- it all comes down to
which plant the part was manufactured in. If it's coming from overseas, it won't have the model plate. If it's coming from Virginia Beach, it will have the model plate.

Ive seen them come both ways as well,,,,, just didnt know the details as to why

Cool anyway you look @ it!!!!!
I talked with Wigs today, I sure was happy to hear from him. :rock: I'll keep it short and say he is very happy with all of you for this. :rock:
I ordered one anyway just in case, they're cheap. I've seen new cylinder shrouds come with and without the model plate for every current model- it all comes down to
which plant the part was manufactured in. If it's coming from overseas, it won't have the model plate. If it's coming from Virginia Beach, it will have the model plate.

A usual, you were right:) No model plate included on this one.
Anyone hear from Wiggs today? Just wondering if he is relaxing or not? :msp_sneaky:

Yep he's relaxing!! It's my anniversary!!! :) He has no choice lol.

He wayyy overdid it Saturday. Now he must pay for it :) gotta get him better do he can go back to work ;) but I have enjoyed having him here. He is such a hard worker. Feels good to see him resting for a while.