Ah yes, I see how you are someone who thinks they are the only person that has the right to comment on this thread.
Yes, I read the offers and I posted what I felt about them. One post that has my opinion in it. Apparently, you were impressed with those offers, sorry I was not. So we disagree.
Now, how many posts have you made on this thread? And you have a dog in this race, how? Oh, right I forgot you feel you and only you has the right to an opinion on this issue. You must be special.
You hit the nail on the head... I DON'T have a dog in the race. Neither do you. I don't need to be impressed with any offers. They don't involve me and I have no fiscal or personal interest in them. Nor do you. My only opinion, expressed consistently in my posts, is that uninformed, uninvolved people like you are providing disruptioin to a simple resolution process. I do have some assumptions, but they are just that, and will remain unsaid in the interest of resolution.
My comments are an attempt to promote a peaceful resolution, between the two parties of a failed business transaction. The continued "fanning of the flames" serves no purpose but to allow you to beat your chest and declare supremacy over a situation not involving you. If that is what it takes to make you feel better, then have at it. Personally, I prefer the calm, mature, adult, legal approach to resolution.
Maybe we'll just have to agree to disagree...
Have a great day and stay safe.....