I wouldn't let them use it by themselves. I'd go over and help, but loan out, no way. I've turned friends down from loaning out my splitter. I didn't pay 5 figures to have mine made, to loan it out to someone to use. Ain't going to happen.
Damn, I need to quit being so dang nice. I swear once a month one of my friends borrows my truck. I get home from work and it's gone, look on workbench and there is usually a note, or sometimes a text message.
Problem is, they know my keys are always in the ignition and truck is parked in the garage. Garage is never locked so I guess it's my fault. Lol
I tell them that my heat only comes from wood so theyre asking me toMy neighbor has bought his firewood from a buddy of mine for several yrs. My buddy raised his price slightly. My neighbor bought his wood from another guy, guess what, it isn't split!!!! So, my neighbor comes over to ask if he could borrow my splitter(not rent or offer to pay), I politely said I prefer not to loan out any of my power equipment.
I wouldn't let them use it by themselves. I'd go over and help, but loan out, no way. I've turned friends down from loaning out my splitter. I didn't pay 5 figures to have mine made, to loan it out to someone to use. Ain't going to happen.
Yes pictures please..Damn, five figures must be a hellava spliiter! I'd like to see pics. For that price I'd expect it to find wood, cut, bring home and have split by the time I got home from work.
I just saw your location.
That's the wonderful part of living in this area, a majority of the people around here are trustworthy.
View attachment 469976
Or splitter
Damn, five figures must be a hellava spliiter! I'd like to see pics. For that price I'd expect it to find wood, cut, bring home and have split by the time I got home from work.
Yes pictures please..
True dat!! Hadn't stopped laughing long enough every time I see that sticker to think that far in depth about it lol. I think you're on to somethin square1, I'll have to keep a "closer eye" on the neighbor............if the neighbor has this, why does he need to borrow your wood splitter...he already has one that does dishes, laundry, fetches beers, and makes sammiches in addition to splitting wood...
That's the ticket...good one!!I quit using my log splitter once i got the awesome x-27 about 5 years ago ,maybe i should sell it to my neighbor under agreement i can borrow it when needed .