Would you loan your woodsplitter to your neighbor?

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The blue one is mine. Specs are Honda GX630 engine spinning a 28GPM pump, with a 5"x3.75"x24" cylinder, 35+ gallon hydraulic tank, and hydraulic oil cooler with LED temperature controller, and adjustable height log table. It was a great project that me and Alex put our heads together to come up with. I've had it in the timber twice thus far and well it just works.......compared to the other one I had. This is built to last and be the last one I'll ever need to buy/build. :cool:

That is a damn nice splitter you got built I wouldn't let anyone borrow either. No way no how!

I guess "of value" is different to some.

To me "of value" is good friends and family, good health, having laughs and memories, etc.

Something like a chainsaw or splitter is merely a tool.
I could understand not wanting to loan out equipment that you use to earn a living, but I suspect with many on here that is not the case.

If you think polishing your chainsaw is important, I'm sorry for you.
I also value my friends, family, good health etc., but my tools cost hard earned $$$$$$. I am just a simple auto technician that works very hard for a living, I don't have a money tree in the back yard. I don't polish my saws, but they do get excellent care.
I sure am glad so many of you guys have the free time to go split wood for your neighbor with YOUR SPLITER even.
I'm retired and can't seem to find the time to do all the stuff I was going to do when I retired. Never put my boat in the water last summer because I just did not have the time.
If I have to KTNA to have them friendly then they can KMA as I could care less.
I repete that is what tool rental places are for and if you really keep a good look out you could probably find a very cheap one at a pawn shop some one sold for drug money.

:D Al
Never put my boat in the water last summer because I just did not have the time.

:D Al
Now that's a crying shame! I too was so busy this year between running a business and family that I only had my boat out a few times! Uhg. I would rather be fishing than messing with firewood any day! There's just nothing like being out on the water in the still of the morning and the disruption of peace by a fighting fish!
I always just let people borrow what ever they need. I would hope if I was in a bind, they would do the same thing.
Did you neighbor know he was getting it in the round? If so I would still let him borrow it this year, but make sure he knew that it is not going to be an every year deal. He would need to find other alternatives for splitting in the feature. Or at least rent it out.

Just a month ago I lent my neighbor "retired 68yr old lineman" a chainsaw to take down a smallish pine tree in his back yard. I gave him the gas and bar oil so I knew it was being fueled and lubed up how I wanted it. I came home from work, and it was sitting on my workbench "where I told him to put it when he was done". It was all shinny and cleaned up. I through it in the vice to sharpen the chain like I always do before hanging it up. The second I looked at the teeth and rolled the chain on the bar, I was pissed. He used it to cut the damn stump out. Bar rail was full of dirt, and the teeth were tore up bad. I was not a happy camper that night to say the least, I told the wife that night, never again! I did not say a thing to him as it was not worth loosing a good neighbor over. The next day he knocks on my door and hands me a brand new Oregon chain, and a gift card for $30.
Perhaps the wives talked to each other?? Perhaps they see a great friendship and want it to stay that way!
i lent my manure $375 manure spreader to a friend. smells bad already huh? didn't come back for a long time. when it did it had a new axle. i asked why. it broke when i was using it and thats's what ya do when you borrow something. fix it if it breaks. i[d lend him my wife but don't think he can fix her.:laughing:
I once had a friend who borrowed a power tool from me (a reciprocating saw) and ended up hurting himself with it. He wanted me to pay for his hospital bill, and I told him to go screw himself. He later said he was going to sue me. The lawyer told him he had no grounds to sue me and declined to take the case. Big surprise, there, eh? Now, I'm reluctant to loan out anything dangerous. I'd rather just bring it over and help them with their project. I've also had a few tools that I loaned out end up burned up from gross misuse, and the borrower promise to replace (but never did). Again, I'd rather help them out with their project than just loan out tools or equipment. I do make exceptions when I know the person is familiar with the tool/equipment and that they'll fix anything they break. But overall, I don't think it's a great idea.
Well a few years ago my wife put me in the position where I had a new wood stove, but no wood and no way to spit wood when I could find it. Having to scrounge hard to get thru that first winter with the stove, I did borrow a splitter from a friend. Next winter, I simply paid that same friend to come over and help me spit my wood. Next winter, I rented a splitter and the next winter I had my own splitter built and ready to work. So being in the position where I had to borrow, I would have to say that yes, I would loan my splitter to a friend, if they where a true friend and not a part time friend that only comes around when they need something. Currently, I do occasionally loan my splitter to one friend. We have been friends for over 40 years, he helped me build my first splitter way back in the 1970's. He's 72 yo now, had multiple joint replacements and isnt able to swing a maul. So yes he can borrow my splitter when he needs it, and I usually go with it to help. My part time friends dont get the same treatment.
Perhaps the wives talked to each other?? Perhaps they see a great friendship and want it to stay that way!

Nope, he just said he forgot to drop it off when he brought the chainsaw back. He is a good guy "except he is a MI state fan---- GO BLUE!". I watch over his house while he is in Florida for the winter, which usually consists of raking snow off his roof, cause his skylights melt too much snow and will cause an Ice damn. We also head to Florida for a week or two for spring break and always meet up with them at their condo. My kids love their pool, and they always spoil them while we are there.
I once had a friend who borrowed a power tool from me (a reciprocating saw) and ended up hurting himself with it. He wanted me to pay for his hospital bill, and I told him to go screw himself. He later said he was going to sue me. The lawyer told him he had no grounds to sue me and declined to take the case. Big surprise, there, eh? Now, I'm reluctant to loan out anything dangerous. I'd rather just bring it over and help them with their project. I've also had a few tools that I loaned out end up burned up from gross misuse, and the borrower promise to replace (but never did). Again, I'd rather help them out with their project than just loan out tools or equipment. I do make exceptions when I know the person is familiar with the tool/equipment and that they'll fix anything they break. But overall, I don't think it's a great idea.
would you loan him your mother in law?
What would your buddy who sold the wood think of you, if you lent your splitter to the guy who low balled out of his wood sale?
Seems when it comes to tools Any time I lent something out I either had to go hunt for it or the person damaged it and promised to fix or replace it which of coarse they never did . Just my bad experiences I guess . If someone is truly in need id just go over and help them and come back home with my stuff ! People are cheap and lazy ... Really The problem is if they are that hard up , then they certainly don't have the funds to repair or replace the tool and then there is hard feelings broken tools and this is how friendships end
I sure am glad so many of you guys have the free time to go split wood for your neighbor with YOUR SPLITER even.
I'm retired and can't seem to find the time to do all the stuff I was going to do when I retired. Never put my boat in the water last summer because I just did not have the time.
If I have to KTNA to have them friendly then they can KMA as I could care less.
I repete that is what tool rental places are for and if you really keep a good look out you could probably find a very cheap one at a pawn shop some one sold for drug money.

:D Al

Too busy running around your yard screaming "get off my lawn"?

I keep my neighbors supplied with wood all summer, they come by with fish, caribou, moose, etc.

I work 80+hrs a week. I still find time to help friends.

I could understand not wanting to loan out equipment that you use to earn a living, but I suspect with many on here that is not the case.

when propane prices were up I was spending on average $450 a month for 7 months to heat my house...that qualifies as earning a living in my book.

I will not loan out my splitter or saws.
If someone doesn't own something, then there's a reasonable chance that they don't know how to use it properly. So, do you want them using yours? And some people just plain beat on equipment even if it's their own. So, question number 2 is will the borrower treat this item as well as you, or beat the heck out of it. Is he the type of guy who will feel it's his responsibility to fix something that happens when he uses it, or is he the kind of person who will just hand it back and say "it broke"?

Without clear answers to questions like that, then you're asking for trouble loaning something out.

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