man that is a bad saw I scored mine running from an older guy at a garage sale for 40 bones i love that saw I run a 24 on it and it just doesnt stop. Its a great stumper too cuase of all the torque
Man, that Rwoods really put together a nice package for you! Check out an older post by gypo logger (now Yukonsawman), where he explains how to trim the intake side piston skirt to allow more air/fuel into the crankcase, durring intake. very quick mod, that gets nice results.
The post is two or more yrs old, I think he was working a stihl 440.
I'll poke around later tonite, see if I can find It for you. Bottom line was he cut the skirt up 1.5 mm, on the INTAKE side, on piston port induction saws. Works great.
I'll poke around later tonite, see if I can find It for you. Bottom line was he cut the skirt up 1.5 mm, on the INTAKE side, on piston port induction saws. Works great.
Nice saw!Cut any trees down with it yet?
I've bucked up 3-5 trees with it. Like I posted in he other thread, it does get heavy after a while. The good thing is that when you're bucking most of the weight is on the bar during the cut.
I didn't mention this in the other thread. The guy I got the saw from said that his friend picked up the saw at a garage sale for $20.00.
Anyone know what sealant I need for the crankcase? If I get a reply tonight or tomorrow morning, I can pick it up at autozone tomorrow on the way back from classes. :help:
Congrats Promac, hope to send you a 610 in the near future. Happy restoration.
Looking forward to seeing your progress on this project promac...
keep the pics coming!
Still remember handing my dad my first home brew when I was about your age... damn if he didnt have to try one with me!