seeing a pickup with the front wheels on the the ground and the rear wheels four foot of the ground,,, tied into a 90 foot oak with 40 foot of cable....OOPS...
luckily the tree fell back into another tree !!!!! LOL
O man that is cold but in this day and age with new climbing gear and methods and pole tools, it is very true. You raised the bar pretty high for this site, but that's where it belongs, I agree.
you know your a hack when you keep fence rails in your polesaw bin:hmm3grin2orange:
You are the exception to the rule of old dogs and tricks Guy.
I can still picture the last day we worked your ice storm, and I was getting sick from som'thn I et. I look over an there you are, 20 years older then me and shimmying up the central lead of a 70 ft willow oak, on a cold wet day. It sucks seeing the young fellahs with more vigor!
You know you are a hack if your preferred payment method is measured in cans..:
hay clearance r ya hungry? you know what im talkin about!:deadhorse:Is this true Guy? Good man.
I make good cuts, but I climb with spurs always, I'll settle for 1/2 hack. Anyways, a hack that works hard still gets my respect, hard work is not very common these days.
I think it is not a few feet of bark, but if there are small tears on most of your cuts. Those tears are past the branch protection zone and into the trunk/stem whatnot.
You know your a hack; if you never work the tips of a the tree
Is this true Guy? Good man.
You know you're a hack if you move your chainsaw back and forth like a handsaw when cutting through a log.
Watching people do that is about as irratating as people "blipping" there throttle while walking around. Makes no sence.
you might be a hack if you think sterilizing your gaffs between pruning is proper tree care
I know you don't have to...
But I always do, just to be safe ! :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: