I guess it's all in what you are looking for. Woodslaher posted a link for 3 old saws for $400. Didn't say how big or if they run. No disrespect to anyone, but those are $25 dollar saws to me The last three I got were 95CC's for one and the other 2 in the 70-80 CC range, for $22.50, for all 3. They all turn over. Lonestar has the line on that J-Red 2095, that's a big saw, and in good shape, well worth $400. I collect "OLD" saws, so what a good deal for me is usually about $20. And they usually run with a little carb work. But, they are big and heavy and probably not what most others are looking for. I have 3 Stihls that I bought new, an MS 170, MS 290 and a 660. I'm, sure I have more money in those three saws than I do the other 50 in my collection, and I'm hard put to keep 10 of them running at one time. Now, when ever I run across a Homelite Super 1050 I tend to bring it home. I found two in the last two years, one great runner for $150, and one with a rare full wrap, but not running, for $40, so I'm happy.